MAC Holiday 2012 Glamour Daze / Fabulousness / Guilty Passions Collection Discussion


Well-known member
Lou, I just came on here and read how you've been going through such a tough time. I am so very sorry things have been so horrible.

However you look absolutely fabulous and seem to have a positive outlook on the future. I'm so glad you have had friends to support you through the roughest times.

I've always believed that things happen for a reason also. Although sometimes it takes a long time to understand why. My mother used to always say the phrase "This too shall pass" when life takes a sharp turn. She used to tell me to say that to myself as I was going through my divorce many years ago. I've told you my story. Hubby and I just celebrated our 25th anniversary in June. My son and I have been blessed that he came into our lives. That's not to say we haven't had our own bumps in the road, but we are very happy together.

Sadly I'm going through probably the worst time in my life. My son is in one of his angry manic states right now. He won't allow me to see my grandson. I used to watch him all day at least once sometimes twice a week and I saw him for about 15 min on Aug 6th and haven't seen him since. My son has blasted me with emails, texts, and at first calls. The things he has said to me I don't think I could describe. The words evil, mean, and vile doesn't even come close and the profanity was insane. I would gladly go through all the beatings from his biological father again. Bruises, cuts, and such aren't near as painful.

This all started when one day I was suppose to pick my grandson up from daycare he attends twice a week. The night before I had car trouble so that car wasn't an option. I moved his carseat in an extra car we have. I went to leave and it wouldn't start. It was getting very close to 3:00 which he had to be picked up by then. I ran inside told my daughter to grab her purse that we had to take her car. I talked to my son at 2:52 and told him the car situation and that his sister was driving, we moved the carseat to her car and reminded him her air conditioner was broken but the windows would be down. He said whatever, thats fine just get over there cause they charge a ton for every minute past 3.

My husband cleaned the battery cables and got the extra car fixed. I was to watch my grandson the next day. We only have one extra key to that car. I had laid it down when I had ran in the day before to get my daughter. That morning I couldn't find it. When I did I had to speed to get to their house which I was still 10 minutes late and of course caused my daughter-in-law to be late for work. My son gets home before she does so I left before she got home. I got a call from her that evening blasting me. We have always had a very close relationship, like freinds so I was shocked and I started to cry but tried to hide it. She said she had been sick to her stomach since the day before when she thought of her son in that hot car. She told me anyone with any common sense would not put a child in a car without air conditioning. She told me she should have been notified. I explained that I had talked to my son before we left my house and he ok'd it. And yes it was hot but the windows were down and with the air flowing through was ok and that cars didn't used to even have air conditioning in them, which she ignored.

And then of course came the part about me being late that morning. And that she was just handed a huge new account and could get fired for being late (I don't think you would get fired because your sitter was late once, but I didn't say that) She then told me that she didn't like what I feed him while watching him. I reminded her that I watch him at their house and feed him what she has set aside and tells me to feed him. She eventually hung up on me. I got a call about an hour later from my son screaming and cursing me telling me I wasn't welcome in their home and to stay away from them and I wan't allowed to see my grandson. She sent me an email a few days later with even more crap and mocked me because I became upset during the call from her. I did not remind her the countless times she has called me or come to me crying and asking me what to do because my son had one of his explosions and has taken it out on her, so far not physically. She ended with telling me that I am not to call, text, or email her, that she would delete them without reading.

The last time there was any contact was the horrible email from my son a couple of weeks ago. He ended it with Happy F*cking 50th Birthday, have a nice life. My birthday was last Sunday the 9th and of course I never heard from him.

I cannot make any sense of this. My husband says you can't be rational about things or people that are irrational.

I have worked in pre-scools and with children many times over the years and I can say that is one area that I am good at. I have low self esteem and never think I am good at anything but I've always been good with children and have had salary bumps and awarded a bonus before because I was chosen the top person.

Sorry I took over this thread with my troubles and vomited my life at y'all. And I'm sorry Lou that I turned this into my issues.

On topic, I can't wait to see ven more about this collection. It looks way more exciting than last year. I hope there are great reviews about the products. I need to search for more info since I haven't been on much lately. I was excited when I saw the holiday collection thread.


Well-known member
I just had to login to respond to the unfortunate situation above. Shadowaddict, I am so sorry. As I was reading that, I was becoming increasingly infuriated with each paragraph. I was literally seeing RED. I will remain mum on some comments because after all this is your son and I know you love him, but your husband is right. You can NOT be rational with irrational people. Your daughter-in-law sounds like a real piece of work, though. Her behavior embodies one of the ultimate types of personality traits I cannot STAND...the one where if you do one wrong (or perceived wrong) thing in their eyes they will never let you live it down, EVER, and regardless of all the faults they have themselves.

But that's alright, she will learn the hard way what type of bridges she has burned when the time comes she will need you. And that realization will come in due time. I promise. ;)

And I did want to say it is good to see you back, Lou! I don't really post much but have been lurking here for years...long enough to get to know the 'personalities' on here. LOL! I know you don't know me from Adam, but even I had begun to wonder where you were. Glad you've made it through. ;)

That reminds me, whatever happened to a poster on here by the name of Audrey, I believe. It isn't Audrey C, this Audrey lived in Tampa (I think) and had maybe 3 boys. She used to post all the time but I haven't seen her in ages.


Well-known member
I think those little pots are Paint Pots. I suspect maybe half the Extra Dimension eye shadows are repromotes and half are new colors.

I'm excited about the ED stuff now that i have more appropriate eye and face brushes! I only bought Superb Skinfinish and Blue Orbit and Modern Pewter eye shadows, 'cuz so many collections came out at the same time this spring and i couldn't afford to get everything i liked.

I have a question, though. It seems to me that Glamour Daze is more the single items in the glamor display, and the Holiday Collection is composed of those adorable upholstered boxes - i mean, it seems to me they represent two collections, not just one. Last year i got a lot of stuff from the Glitter and Ice collection, but nothing from the Holiday collection, since most of the sets didn't interest me.
This sounds right.


Well-known member
I cant even begin to tell you how excited I am for this collex,

in past holiday collex have we been given pro discount on the regular packaged stuff or is it all regular pricing?
There is usually no discount on the sets.


Well-known member
I'm truly sorry to hear this shadowaddict. I'm sure your son will come around. Sometimes it just takes a while for whatever madness a person feels to settle and go away. No loving grandma and mother should ever be separated from her child or grandchild just because something happened that was out of your control. I do hope for the best in this situation.

Lou, I just came on here and read how you've been going through such a tough time. I am so very sorry things have been so horrible.

However you look absolutely fabulous and seem to have a positive outlook on the future. I'm so glad you have had friends to support you through the roughest times.

I've always believed that things happen for a reason also. Although sometimes it takes a long time to understand why. My mother used to always say the phrase "This too shall pass" when life takes a sharp turn. She used to tell me to say that to myself as I was going through my divorce many years ago. I've told you my story. Hubby and I just celebrated our 25th anniversary in June. My son and I have been blessed that he came into our lives. That's not to say we haven't had our own bumps in the road, but we are very happy together.

Sadly I'm going through probably the worst time in my life. My son is in one of his angry manic states right now. He won't allow me to see my grandson. I used to watch him all day at least once sometimes twice a week and I saw him for about 15 min on Aug 6th and haven't seen him since. My son has blasted me with emails, texts, and at first calls. The things he has said to me I don't think I could describe. The words evil, mean, and vile doesn't even come close and the profanity was insane. I would gladly go through all the beatings from his biological father again. Bruises, cuts, and such aren't near as painful.

This all started when one day I was suppose to pick my grandson up from daycare he attends twice a week. The night before I had car trouble so that car wasn't an option. I moved his carseat in an extra car we have. I went to leave and it wouldn't start. It was getting very close to 3:00 which he had to be picked up by then. I ran inside told my daughter to grab her purse that we had to take her car. I talked to my son at 2:52 and told him the car situation and that his sister was driving, we moved the carseat to her car and reminded him her air conditioner was broken but the windows would be down. He said whatever, thats fine just get over there cause they charge a ton for every minute past 3.

My husband cleaned the battery cables and got the extra car fixed. I was to watch my grandson the next day. We only have one extra key to that car. I had laid it down when I had ran in the day before to get my daughter. That morning I couldn't find it. When I did I had to speed to get to their house which I was still 10 minutes late and of course caused my daughter-in-law to be late for work. My son gets home before she does so I left before she got home. I got a call from her that evening blasting me. We have always had a very close relationship, like freinds so I was shocked and I started to cry but tried to hide it. She said she had been sick to her stomach since the day before when she thought of her son in that hot car. She told me anyone with any common sense would not put a child in a car without air conditioning. She told me she should have been notified. I explained that I had talked to my son before we left my house and he ok'd it. And yes it was hot but the windows were down and with the air flowing through was ok and that cars didn't used to even have air conditioning in them, which she ignored.

And then of course came the part about me being late that morning. And that she was just handed a huge new account and could get fired for being late (I don't think you would get fired because your sitter was late once, but I didn't say that) She then told me that she didn't like what I feed him while watching him. I reminded her that I watch him at their house and feed him what she has set aside and tells me to feed him. She eventually hung up on me. I got a call about an hour later from my son screaming and cursing me telling me I wasn't welcome in their home and to stay away from them and I wan't allowed to see my grandson. She sent me an email a few days later with even more crap and mocked me because I became upset during the call from her. I did not remind her the countless times she has called me or come to me crying and asking me what to do because my son had one of his explosions and has taken it out on her, so far not physically. She ended with telling me that I am not to call, text, or email her, that she would delete them without reading.

The last time there was any contact was the horrible email from my son a couple of weeks ago. He ended it with Happy F*cking 50th Birthday, have a nice life. My birthday was last Sunday the 9th and of course I never heard from him.

I cannot make any sense of this. My husband says you can't be rational about things or people that are irrational.

I have worked in pre-scools and with children many times over the years and I can say that is one area that I am good at. I have low self esteem and never think I am good at anything but I've always been good with children and have had salary bumps and awarded a bonus before because I was chosen the top person.

Sorry I took over this thread with my troubles and vomited my life at y'all. And I'm sorry Lou that I turned this into my issues.

On topic, I can't wait to see ven more about this collection. It looks way more exciting than last year. I hope there are great reviews about the products. I need to search for more info since I haven't been on much lately. I was excited when I saw the holiday collection thread.


Well-known member
Still no color story??!!!!!!!!! I've been searching like a loon to find it, no avail. Come on MAC. I need to make a list.


Well-known member
Lou, I just came on here and read how you've been going through such a tough time. I am so very sorry things have been so horrible. However you look absolutely fabulous and seem to have a positive outlook on the future. I'm so glad you have had friends to support you through the roughest times. I've always believed that things happen for a reason also. Although sometimes it takes a long time to understand why. My mother used to always say the phrase "This too shall pass" when life takes a sharp turn. She used to tell me to say that to myself as I was going through my divorce many years ago. I've told you my story. Hubby and I just celebrated our 25th anniversary in June. My son and I have been blessed that he came into our lives. That's not to say we haven't had our own bumps in the road, but we are very happy together. Sadly I'm going through probably the worst time in my life. My son is in one of his angry manic states right now. He won't allow me to see my grandson. I used to watch him all day at least once sometimes twice a week and I saw him for about 15 min on Aug 6th and haven't seen him since. My son has blasted me with emails, texts, and at first calls. The things he has said to me I don't think I could describe. The words evil, mean, and vile doesn't even come close and the profanity was insane. I would gladly go through all the beatings from his biological father again. Bruises, cuts, and such aren't near as painful.  This all started when one day I was suppose to pick my grandson up from daycare he attends twice a week. The night before I had car trouble so that car wasn't an option. I moved his carseat in an extra car we have. I went to leave and it wouldn't start. It was getting very close to 3:00 which he had to be picked up by then. I ran inside told my daughter to grab her purse that we had to take her car. I talked to my son at 2:52 and told him the car situation and that his sister was driving, we moved the carseat to her car and reminded him her air conditioner was broken but the windows would be down. He said whatever, thats fine just get over there cause they charge a ton for every minute past 3. My husband cleaned the battery cables and got the extra car fixed. I was to watch my grandson the next day. We only have one extra key to that car. I had laid it down when I had ran in the day before to get my daughter. That morning I couldn't find it. When I did I had to speed to get to their house which I was still 10 minutes late and of course caused my daughter-in-law to be late for work. My son gets home before she does so I left before she got home. I got a call from her that evening blasting me. We have always had a very close relationship, like freinds so I was shocked and I started to cry but tried to hide it. She said she had been sick to her stomach since the day before when she thought of her son in that hot car. She told me anyone with any common sense would not put a child in a car without air conditioning. She told me she should have been notified. I explained that I had talked to my son before we left my house and he ok'd it. And yes it was hot but the windows were down and with the air flowing through was ok and that cars didn't used to even have air conditioning in them, which she ignored. And then of course came the part about me being late that morning. And that she was just handed a huge new account and could get fired for being late (I don't think you would get fired because your sitter was late once, but I didn't say that) She then told me that she didn't like what I feed him while watching him. I reminded her that I watch him at their house and feed him what she has set aside and tells me to feed him. She eventually hung up on me. I got a call about an hour later from my son screaming and cursing me telling me I wasn't welcome in their home and to stay away from them and I wan't allowed to see my grandson. She sent me an email a few days later with even more crap and mocked me because I became upset during the call from her. I did not remind her the countless times she has called me or come to me crying and asking me what to do because my son had one of his explosions and has taken it out on her, so far not physically. She ended with telling me that I am not to call, text, or email her, that she would delete them without reading.  The last time there was any contact was the horrible email from my son a couple of weeks ago. He ended it with Happy F*cking 50th Birthday, have a nice life. My birthday was last Sunday the 9th and of course I never heard from him. I cannot make any sense of this. My husband says you can't be rational about things or people that are irrational. I have worked in pre-scools and with children many times over the years and I can say that is one area that I am good at. I have low self esteem and never think I am good at anything but I've always been good with children and have had salary bumps and awarded a bonus before because I was chosen the top person. Sorry I took over this thread with my troubles and vomited my life at y'all. And I'm sorry Lou that I turned this into my issues. On topic, I can't wait to see ven more about this collection. It looks way more exciting than last year. I hope there are great reviews about the products. I need to search for more info since I haven't been on much lately. I was excited when I saw the holiday collection thread.
Oh sweetie I'm so sorry to hear this... I'm 26 and could never comprehend speaking to my mum like that :-( You have always come across as such a lovely person I wish you the best of luck xo

Audrey C

Well-known member
Lou, I just came on here and read how you've been going through such a tough time. I am so very sorry things have been so horrible.

However you look absolutely fabulous and seem to have a positive outlook on the future. I'm so glad you have had friends to support you through the roughest times.

I've always believed that things happen for a reason also. Although sometimes it takes a long time to understand why. My mother used to always say the phrase "This too shall pass" when life takes a sharp turn. She used to tell me to say that to myself as I was going through my divorce many years ago. I've told you my story. Hubby and I just celebrated our 25th anniversary in June. My son and I have been blessed that he came into our lives. That's not to say we haven't had our own bumps in the road, but we are very happy together.

Sadly I'm going through probably the worst time in my life. My son is in one of his angry manic states right now. He won't allow me to see my grandson. I used to watch him all day at least once sometimes twice a week and I saw him for about 15 min on Aug 6th and haven't seen him since. My son has blasted me with emails, texts, and at first calls. The things he has said to me I don't think I could describe. The words evil, mean, and vile doesn't even come close and the profanity was insane. I would gladly go through all the beatings from his biological father again. Bruises, cuts, and such aren't near as painful.

This all started when one day I was suppose to pick my grandson up from daycare he attends twice a week. The night before I had car trouble so that car wasn't an option. I moved his carseat in an extra car we have. I went to leave and it wouldn't start. It was getting very close to 3:00 which he had to be picked up by then. I ran inside told my daughter to grab her purse that we had to take her car. I talked to my son at 2:52 and told him the car situation and that his sister was driving, we moved the carseat to her car and reminded him her air conditioner was broken but the windows would be down. He said whatever, thats fine just get over there cause they charge a ton for every minute past 3.

My husband cleaned the battery cables and got the extra car fixed. I was to watch my grandson the next day. We only have one extra key to that car. I had laid it down when I had ran in the day before to get my daughter. That morning I couldn't find it. When I did I had to speed to get to their house which I was still 10 minutes late and of course caused my daughter-in-law to be late for work. My son gets home before she does so I left before she got home. I got a call from her that evening blasting me. We have always had a very close relationship, like freinds so I was shocked and I started to cry but tried to hide it. She said she had been sick to her stomach since the day before when she thought of her son in that hot car. She told me anyone with any common sense would not put a child in a car without air conditioning. She told me she should have been notified. I explained that I had talked to my son before we left my house and he ok'd it. And yes it was hot but the windows were down and with the air flowing through was ok and that cars didn't used to even have air conditioning in them, which she ignored.

And then of course came the part about me being late that morning. And that she was just handed a huge new account and could get fired for being late (I don't think you would get fired because your sitter was late once, but I didn't say that) She then told me that she didn't like what I feed him while watching him. I reminded her that I watch him at their house and feed him what she has set aside and tells me to feed him. She eventually hung up on me. I got a call about an hour later from my son screaming and cursing me telling me I wasn't welcome in their home and to stay away from them and I wan't allowed to see my grandson. She sent me an email a few days later with even more crap and mocked me because I became upset during the call from her. I did not remind her the countless times she has called me or come to me crying and asking me what to do because my son had one of his explosions and has taken it out on her, so far not physically. She ended with telling me that I am not to call, text, or email her, that she would delete them without reading.

The last time there was any contact was the horrible email from my son a couple of weeks ago. He ended it with Happy F*cking 50th Birthday, have a nice life. My birthday was last Sunday the 9th and of course I never heard from him.

I cannot make any sense of this. My husband says you can't be rational about things or people that are irrational.

I have worked in pre-scools and with children many times over the years and I can say that is one area that I am good at. I have low self esteem and never think I am good at anything but I've always been good with children and have had salary bumps and awarded a bonus before because I was chosen the top person.

Sorry I took over this thread with my troubles and vomited my life at y'all. And I'm sorry Lou that I turned this into my issues.

On topic, I can't wait to see ven more about this collection. It looks way more exciting than last year. I hope there are great reviews about the products. I need to search for more info since I haven't been on much lately. I was excited when I saw the holiday collection thread.
I'm sorry this is happening to you. I can't imagine how hurtful this must be.

I'm not sure what the laws are in the U.S. and I'm not sure that you want to go down this path, but in Canada a parent can't just prevent a grandparent from seeing a child for no good reason. It sometimes takes a judge (and I'm not underestimating the emotional and financial toll going down that road takes), but I personally know of two sets of grandparents that were given court ordered visitation. Good thing too; in both cases they were the only stable part of those childrens' lives.


Well-known member
ShadowAddict...I am really sorry for you to go through this. Your son and dil are really missing the big picture here! What kind of example are they setting for their son? What comes around goes around and how will their son treat them when he is older? You will definitely be in my thoughts.


Well-known member
Lou, I just came on here and read how you've been going through such a tough time. I am so very sorry things have been so horrible.

However you look absolutely fabulous and seem to have a positive outlook on the future. I'm so glad you have had friends to support you through the roughest times.

I've always believed that things happen for a reason also. Although sometimes it takes a long time to understand why. My mother used to always say the phrase "This too shall pass" when life takes a sharp turn. She used to tell me to say that to myself as I was going through my divorce many years ago. I've told you my story. Hubby and I just celebrated our 25th anniversary in June. My son and I have been blessed that he came into our lives. That's not to say we haven't had our own bumps in the road, but we are very happy together.

Sadly I'm going through probably the worst time in my life. My son is in one of his angry manic states right now. He won't allow me to see my grandson. I used to watch him all day at least once sometimes twice a week and I saw him for about 15 min on Aug 6th and haven't seen him since. My son has blasted me with emails, texts, and at first calls. The things he has said to me I don't think I could describe. The words evil, mean, and vile doesn't even come close and the profanity was insane. I would gladly go through all the beatings from his biological father again. Bruises, cuts, and such aren't near as painful.

This all started when one day I was suppose to pick my grandson up from daycare he attends twice a week. The night before I had car trouble so that car wasn't an option. I moved his carseat in an extra car we have. I went to leave and it wouldn't start. It was getting very close to 3:00 which he had to be picked up by then. I ran inside told my daughter to grab her purse that we had to take her car. I talked to my son at 2:52 and told him the car situation and that his sister was driving, we moved the carseat to her car and reminded him her air conditioner was broken but the windows would be down. He said whatever, thats fine just get over there cause they charge a ton for every minute past 3.

My husband cleaned the battery cables and got the extra car fixed. I was to watch my grandson the next day. We only have one extra key to that car. I had laid it down when I had ran in the day before to get my daughter. That morning I couldn't find it. When I did I had to speed to get to their house which I was still 10 minutes late and of course caused my daughter-in-law to be late for work. My son gets home before she does so I left before she got home. I got a call from her that evening blasting me. We have always had a very close relationship, like freinds so I was shocked and I started to cry but tried to hide it. She said she had been sick to her stomach since the day before when she thought of her son in that hot car. She told me anyone with any common sense would not put a child in a car without air conditioning. She told me she should have been notified. I explained that I had talked to my son before we left my house and he ok'd it. And yes it was hot but the windows were down and with the air flowing through was ok and that cars didn't used to even have air conditioning in them, which she ignored.

And then of course came the part about me being late that morning. And that she was just handed a huge new account and could get fired for being late (I don't think you would get fired because your sitter was late once, but I didn't say that) She then told me that she didn't like what I feed him while watching him. I reminded her that I watch him at their house and feed him what she has set aside and tells me to feed him. She eventually hung up on me. I got a call about an hour later from my son screaming and cursing me telling me I wasn't welcome in their home and to stay away from them and I wan't allowed to see my grandson. She sent me an email a few days later with even more crap and mocked me because I became upset during the call from her. I did not remind her the countless times she has called me or come to me crying and asking me what to do because my son had one of his explosions and has taken it out on her, so far not physically. She ended with telling me that I am not to call, text, or email her, that she would delete them without reading.

The last time there was any contact was the horrible email from my son a couple of weeks ago. He ended it with Happy F*cking 50th Birthday, have a nice life. My birthday was last Sunday the 9th and of course I never heard from him.

I cannot make any sense of this. My husband says you can't be rational about things or people that are irrational.

I have worked in pre-scools and with children many times over the years and I can say that is one area that I am good at. I have low self esteem and never think I am good at anything but I've always been good with children and have had salary bumps and awarded a bonus before because I was chosen the top person.

Sorry I took over this thread with my troubles and vomited my life at y'all. And I'm sorry Lou that I turned this into my issues.

On topic, I can't wait to see ven more about this collection. It looks way more exciting than last year. I hope there are great reviews about the products. I need to search for more info since I haven't been on much lately. I was excited when I saw the holiday collection thread.
I'm so sorry to hear this:( I don't know why they would act like that. It sounds like a huge misunderstanding to me. I hope everything will be alright soon. Maybe it would help to write a letter to them and tell them how you feel? I'm really not an expert with this kind of stuff, but it might be worth a try. A letter is always easier than a direct conversation, because you can really think well about what you want to say.


Well-known member
No offence to your son and DIL but they sound spoiled/entitled parents to me. My mom is also and ECE (day care teacher) and it sound like they are forking they frustration out on you. My mom had a lot of troubled couples and parents that used the teacher as emotional punching bags by using they kid "safty" as an excuse if not their own children.
They are nit picking everything the can think of to make you seem like a villain and for them to look like shinning beckons of "people". They both over blown everything in their heads and they are both feeding off each others irrationality without anyone being a sounding board for them.

That said I agree with Pinkdollface about sending a letter. Also end it by saying that once they want to have a composed conversation with you that you'll are waiting to meet them in person. Just leave it at that. The problem with phone calls and emails is that they can just rant without consequence of see what effect their actions are having one you. By requesting to meet in person your putting the ball in their quart.

Also save their messages. Don't read them again just save them.

I'm sorry this is happening to you Shadowaddict and because he is your son he is probably just venting at you now instead of his wife. Abuse is abuse no matter what form (honest emotion about is far more damaging then being beaten because it constant) and I don't know his history or yours but once this clears up that your not in the wrong, I recommend that you, your husband and the DIL talk about his behavour. Then talk to him about getting counseling not for you, his wife, or himself but for there son. Your grand son is being effected but this even if he is not showing the distress he feels.
This out bust at you is not really about what you did (the din is probably over reaction dealing with the emotional bagging of what your son is blowing up at her) and the patterns just going to repeat it's self untill it escalates.


Well-known member
Wow, ShadowAddict., sorry to hear the abuse you had to endure while trying to HELP. Your daughter-in-law is a piece of work. Is she saying that kids of my generation were abused because our cars didn't have a/c? Does she not realize how many babies in the world are living life with no a/c? Heck no proper food, clean water, transportation beyond walking?
Entitled is right.


Well-known member
shadowaddict: I am so sorry to hear what happened. Hope things will get better for you soon!

Allura Beauty said that the small pots are fluidlines.


Well-known member
MAC_Aiken - I hope you feel better soon!

shadowaddict - I am so sorry that you have to experience this, especially b/c it involves your loved ones. Wishing you the best of luck! I hope that one day they come to their senses and realize how fortunate they are to have someone like you in their lives.


Well-known member
shadowaddict: I am so sorry to hear what happened. Hope things will get better for you soon!

Allura Beauty said that the small pots are fluidlines.
Did she receive official confirmation from MAC? Or is she just speculating based on the pictures? If it's the latter, I still don't want to give up hope for paint pots!!!


Well-known member
Thank you guys so much for your support. This is one of the reasons I love specktra. We are about way more than makeup.

And yes emotional punching bag is what my husband and daughter have called it for years. I am the target most of the time, probably because he knows deep down that I am the one person who will never leave him and no matter what will always be here. His bological father, which I left when my son was 5 months old only saw my son about 3 times a year even though he had visiting rights every other weekend since he was 5. Before that he only had supervised visits and no overnights. His dad would tell him they would do such & such and never followed through. I always made excuses for him because I was never going to be one of those parents who say bad things about the other. I married my husband when he was 4 and he is a great father to my son and there has never been a "step" they are father & son.

My son's dad passed away this past January of cancer. They had an off & on relationship. A little over 4 months before he dies he chose to have no contact with my son. He knew he had little time left and chose not to have peace with his son before he died. None of my ex's family called to tell him his dad died. He found out through his ex-stepmom who found out from a friend who saw it on Facebook.

My son does need help badly. He is a Marine and went to Iraq twice. He has PTS but he was diagnosed bi-polar in early highschool. He's 29 now. The VA doctors have convinced him he is not bi-polar and all of this is PTS. As a teen his agression increased as he got older. He punched holes in our walls, doors, and more. We tried to shield my daughter from it but she could hear it all and knew what he was doing. We got him outside a few times and he would pace the sidewalk ranting about whatever set him off and punch the trees. His knuckles would bleed but as if he felt no pain. He was on Lithium for a while but after a while his bloodwork indicated a problem. When his doctors finally got him on s good combo of meds he was his normal happy self. He is such a loving and affectionate person. We've only seen bits & pieces of that part of him in quite a while. He has such a charming personality which is why evervyone loves him except the ones who have seen the angry side. When he stopped taking his meds it all started again. When he was 18 we had to ask him to move out. We would find drugs in his room and bottles of alcohol in his car. We couldn't have all this with our 12 yr old daughter here.

One of the issues now is that my DIL graduated in May with an internationl business degree. She speaks Spanish and French which helped her land a great job. My son is still in school as he has gone off & on. He is jealous of her new career, quick promotion and he is not the type of man that is ok with his wife making more money than him. Every time there has been something special for her he has started some major drama similar to this but not quite as bad. He did this right before my grandson's 1st birthday in April, a few days before her graduation, and right before her big interview with the company she now works for. She realizes this as she has talked to me about it. He verbally & emotionally abusive to her as well. I think she is trying to save her marriage which she knows will not last if he doesn't get help. She used to text me about things and she would have to delete them because he would read her texts when she was upstairs or something.

But yeah she has done a 180 and we will never have the type of relationship we used to, which is very sad. I treated her like a daughter and supported her do things for her because he would put her down and make her feel worthless.I used to take her to lunch a couple times a month. Several times when I knew they were tight on money I took her to the grocery store and spent close to $200 and then fill her SUV will gas. My son used to keep money for himself and not give her any. I would slip her $50 or $100 often. When my son was in Iraq his house payments got behind. He didn't tell us. We found out last winter and loaned them ten thousand dollars. I would never bring that up to him but I feel used. He calls when he needs something but never just to say hello. I don't care about the money, I just feel he only wants me around when he needs money or wants free childcare.

It is such a bazaar situation. I'm hoping soon we can all get together and talk. My son usually cannot have a conversation without shortly after it starts he blows up and starts screaming and cursing. Hopefully soon this will all be resolved and end.

I really do appreciate all of you putting up with my problems and being so thoughtful.

Geez, I wrote another book. Sorry I wil try to stay on topic.


Well-known member
Did she receive official confirmation from MAC? Or is she just speculating based on the pictures? If it's the latter, I still don't want to give up hope for paint pots!!!
She was speculating based on the pictures and I too will not give up hope for paint pots! :)


Well-known member
She was speculating based on the pictures and I too will not give up hope for paint pots! :)
I so hope they are paint pots. It seems odd that they would have four liners and then four fluidlines, that's a lot of eye liner!!

Maybe they are mini paint pots like the mini shadows.


Well-known member
I so hope they are paint pots. It seems odd that they would have four liners and then four fluidlines, that's a lot of eye liner!!
Maybe they are mini paint pots like the mini shadows.
and me.. I hope these are paint pots..
I so can't wait for this collection and I feel like my haul from it will be massive..oh well.. I might as well treat myself for my birthday lol