MAC Holiday.. Attempting to resist..


Active member
I need some encouragement! After wanting the teal brush set and a couple of the e/s palettes I am officially trying to diminish my desires..

My husband and I are needing to move from the place we are at now to another place that will probably cost $600 more a month. I don't think he would be too happy if I splurged right now!

So what bad things can anyone say about the Holiday Palettes/Stashettes???

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
That Olive color is so hideous!
I would make fun of you if you bought ANYTHING that color.

Sorry, that's the best I can do.


Active member
Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
That Olive color is so hideous!
I would make fun of you if you bought ANYTHING that color.

Sorry, that's the best I can do.

lol I know it's hard...
waves to everyone!

Hi! I'm new here (pinkflamingo on MUA). I am trying to resist the new collection!! AAack. I am planning my lunch break around it. SO sad.

Which eyeshadow palette is the best? I really only want to get one. I am a PPP blonde with blue eyes. (I want all three and some of the stashettes). I need a new job!!


Active member
Originally Posted by pinkflamingo
Hi! I'm new here (pinkflamingo on MUA). I am trying to resist the new collection!! AAack. I am planning my lunch break around it. SO sad.

Which eyeshadow palette is the best? I really only want to get one. I am a PPP blonde with blue eyes. (I want all three and some of the stashettes). I need a new job!!

I was planning on leaving in enough time from work to get to the dept. store when they open! I have been calling them non-stop.. I am really going to do my best not to get them.


Well-known member
I took the day off to buy MAC tomorrow. I don't want you to end up like I have. Sleepless, obsessed, I think only of the next collection to come out. I strike up conversations with people at work holding MAC compacts in hopes of meeting another who shares the hunger I have inside for the ultimate look. In my dreams, I confidently strut up to a MAC counter with no spending limit while halpful MA's spread the latest colors before me. Be warned... You'll end up lurking strange forums trying to get the latest picture of somebody actually wearing next month's lipglass...


Well-known member
the turth of the matter is that i buy palettes and then i never use them. so this year will be the second year that i have not bought any palettes.

funny...last year, i bought palettes as gifts for my girlfriends. they didnt know that i dont like using palettes as they get so filthty...and ended up up getting the same 2 palettes...4 each!!! 8 palettes for a non palette user!

so i ended up taking them back...and getting a store credit


Well-known member
I think the magenta eye palette is the best, color-wise and for versatility. If you like bolder colors, go for one of the others, but the olive and teal colors I didn't think complimented each other very well. All the colors in the Magenta eye palette looked really good together IMHO!


At first I was attracted by the olive pallette for its beautiful Tease n Teal
and Pearl of the Earth. However, I already have Shroom (which i thought might be similar to Gingersoft), VEGA (Chanel) (which might be similar to Satin Taupe), and i really couldn't image Gorgeous Gold(yellow) or Cinders (blue) for everyday application
. -- Therefore the one must have is definitely magenta palette now... Well, save some money for the future good stuff then! 8)


Active member
I would love to get the magenta palette but it i'm a lustre-phobe. That palette contains 2 lustre e/s and the one i have (honey lust) gives me eye problems. but i do want the lip treasures though


Well-known member
If I could only get one palette, it would be the Magenta palette. To me, it contains a more cohesive choice of colors that will allow you to get a lot more use out of it than the other two.

The olive color of the palette might not be that appealing but is that really why someone buys a palette.. for the outside? The colors in the olive palette are gorgeous with great textures but if you are looking for a palette that you will get your money's worth out, it is the Magenta palette, for sure.

As for the Teal? Well, that is my least favorite. The only standout in that Palette, IMO, is Tendermetal.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
The teal pallete is the only one that really catches my attention.
The olive has sumptuous olive and I think that that color would look kick ass on my
green eyes but I'm not to hot for the other colors.

Question for Jude, out of the lip colors in the treasures, which treasure was your overall favorite. Plus, In your opinion, which do you think would look the best on someone with very light skin?


Originally Posted by mjalomo
I took the day off to buy MAC tomorrow. I don't want you to end up like I have. Sleepless, obsessed, I think only of the next collection to come out. I strike up conversations with people at work holding MAC compacts in hopes of meeting another who shares the hunger I have inside for the ultimate look. In my dreams, I confidently strut up to a MAC counter with no spending limit while halpful MA's spread the latest colors before me. Be warned... You'll end up lurking strange forums trying to get the latest picture of somebody actually wearing next month's lipglass...

ha ha!!! I "laughed out loud" after reading that one, its totally me!

Anyways Linz V, I just went to check them out today and I gotta say those palettes look pretty damn cheap, like something you could get from a drugstore. If you think about it, in each eye palette you may only really use 2 or 3 shadows, so its not worth paying $34/palette. Instead just go to the MAC freestanding store, choose some pans of colors you will use and buy a blank palette and then you will make best use of your money and not spend as much! Okay, who am I kidding, I still ended up buying all three shadow palettes. But if you already have most major colors in general then don't force yourself to buy the palettes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by schMAC
Okay, who am I kidding, I still ended up buying all three shadow palettes. But if you already have most major colors in general then don't force yourself to buy the palettes.

Me, too...& that's why I looked twice at both the face palettes, because there was nothing new in them for me. If I wanted to get a nice gift for someone who's MAC-less or something, that would be a nice choice.

I also vote for the Magenta!!! I even bought a backup of it, because I can tell I'm in love with the Grey Grape, and who knows if they'll bring it back again someday.


Well-known member
Well, I stick pallettes in my purse to use as needed for emergencies.... I am really trying not to buy any and I hope they are sold out of the one I want bywednesday. My nordstroms cool eyes from tailormade got used a whole one time so far. Good luck in avoiding buying them. Luckily I was at the mac counter the day before they came out. I only really want the teal pallette anyways.


Active member
Do you have any of the existing colors? Or any that are similar to the LE ones? If you are like most of us, you already have enough e/s that you could probably recreate the looks. I find that's the best way to talk yourself out of the palettes. Not that I talked myself out of the olive and teal eye palettes. ;-)

Regarding the brush set..... The bag is beautiful but do you already have some of the brushes? Would you use them all? I already had the Tailormade ones, so it was (fairly) easy to talk myself out of those.