MAC Indulge Collection (August 22, 2013)


Well-known member
The things I'd do to see those. 
It's hard cuz they're the swatch photos like the ones online, but on paper. So I'm making my statements based on what's in the current product lineup, and guessing colours by those photo swatches on paper.


Well-known member
I always love fall collections! Graphic Garden was one of my favourites;
Can't wait! The colours sound nice and wearable!


Well-known member
Nude, pink, moss, orange, yellow, blackish, lilac, plum, burnt red, gold,'s all over really.
All over for my bank account, that is!

'Sounds like one of those "a little something for everyone" collections MAC likes to do at the beginning of spring and fall - where the colors sum up the trends coming up in further collections. Sometimes it's easy for me to hold off on these and sometimes it's impossible to resist!

Dimmie Arnold

Fall would certainly be a nice time to roll out those emeralds, so here's hoping! Well, my heart is hoping. My wallet is cringing at the thought.
So is mine! Just imagining all the possible emerald and jewel toned liners.... going to be broke this year!