MAC Interview Look


Well-known member
I got the job! The position is only for two weeks during Christmas break,
but I don't care, I'm super excited!!!!!
Apparently, my friend said I looked like a parakeet :p What do u gals think?
All MAC unless stated otherwise:

Mineralize Satinfinish NC35
Select Moisturecover NC30
Studio Perfect NC37
Hipness bl

Sassy Grass e/s
Shock-A-Holic e/s
Crème de Violet e/s
Bitter e/s
Goldmine e/s
Vanilla e/s
Random black liquid e/l
Lingering eyebrow pencil
Fiberwig Mascara
#36 False Eyelashes

Subculture l/l
Cherish l/s

Thanks for looking!


Well-known member
I love the blending you did with that! It's very colourful and tropical :) I can see why they hired you (^-^)/"
What I would suggest however, is extending the green down to your lower part of your eye. It'll definitely give your eye a lot of pop :)