MAC lipsticks


Well-known member
I love my Fluid and Viva Glam lipsticks but whenever I use them my lips get so dried out. Does this happen to anyone else? Do you use anything with it? What would you recommend? Thanks!


Well-known member
I ALWAYS put chapstick/lip balm on my lips when i start my it can soften my lips while i do the rest of my makeup. But if you put something like Burt's Bees lip balm, Carmex, or even a MAC TLC, then it will help your lips to stay moisturized.


Well-known member
I notice drying with my VGV too even though I apply chapstick underneath. I mostly notice this with the frost finished lipsticks.. i guess keep applying more lip balm and exfoliating your lips will help too.


Well-known member
A lot of my MAC l/s dry my lips out...but I still love them. I am a love slave to MAC.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the great advice. I still love MAC lipsticks and I'll try putting something underneath.