MAC Make-up interview help!


New member
Hi everyone, I'm super new to this site but I was hoping I would be able to get some specific help with questions I had about my upcoming MAC interview (so excited!) So I'll give the details first. -My interview is for an on call position -I'm applying to work at and I'm also being interviewed by a MAC counter in The Bay (Canada) -I'm doing my interview and my makeup interview right after (I've seen so many people say they got theirs separately or had phone interviews or 300 interviews haha) So I've researched lots and learned all about the company and their programs and all but my problem is I'm very new to MAC products themselves and I don't really know what to do or use on my model or HOW to explain what I'm using does when I don't know myself. I was wondering if someone could give me insight or a run down or a 101 or tell me how I could learn? We only have one MAC in the city (and the closest one hours away) so I can't run to another one and start reading bottles and asking for help haha I will be reading up on the MAC website but there is SO many products and colours and finishes and everything does a different thing so I was wondering if there was a more simple way. What exactly IS an on call position? My second question is about clothing, I know you should show your personality but is there anything that's not really appropriate? Like dresses, short skirts (or skirts in general), tank tops, Etc. I was thinking of wearing leopard tights (they're all black) and glittery black flats with an above the knee skirt and I'm not sure what top yet. Is that okay? Can your nails be any colour? What about jewelry? I've heard silver and gold ONLY but would fake white pearls be okay? My third question is about the makeup interview. When you're doing your models makeup, are you also timed while you're asking her questions? Like what's your skin type, etc. I'm assuming you should be asking that before you're getting your products of course but it all seems like it'd be taking a lot of your time. Do they sanitize things for you or is it left up to you? Is that also in your time? What all do you use? Do you have to put moisturizer on her face? Curl her eyelashes? Put on falsies? Is there an order to put things on in? For myself personally, I go moisturizer, primer, foundation, eyebrows, contour, highlight, curl eyelashes, do everything on my eyes, lips and then finishing powder (I don't use concealer, falsies or blush on myself ever haha) And last but not least, how do you utilize your brushes? I don't want to be re-dipping the same brush in something I shouldn't. Cream, foundation and concealer on one? Highlighting, contouring and blush on another? Do you just dust the brush off on a tissue in-between the colours/products? I'm so scatterbrained and nervous, I just want to ace this so bad but I don't want to take too long or miss something I should of done Thankyou everyone SOOO much who took the time to read this all and help me out, anything you have to say about anything, even if it's not every question or just your personal experience would be FANTASTIC! Fingers crossed I get this!!!