MAC Metal X 2011 Discussion


Well-known member
Glad you like the Metal X formula, liba. What other colors are you considering?
Palladium most definitely and considering Virgin Silver, Vintage Coin, Gold Carbon and Red Hot Copper. Also have to get over to my regular store and finally look at the GP ones.


Well-known member
Palladium most definitely and considering Virgin Silver, Vintage Coin, Gold Carbon and Red Hot Copper. Also have to get over to my regular store and finally look at the GP ones.

Personally, I didn't care for Palladium as it was one of those colors that faded more quickly on me. But Venetian Tarnish, Gold Carbon, and Fusion Gold are absolutely gorgeous and the lasting power is great. Red Hot Copper is great too, but I found it too much on my lids, but with green eyes, this will look absolutely stunning! It will also go very well with In the Sun from the Naturally collection.


Well-known member
And you must check out the GP Metal X. I have a feeling that you will absolutely adore the GP formula


Well-known member
Personally, I didn't care for Palladium as it was one of those colors that faded more quickly on me. But Venetian Tarnish, Gold Carbon, and Fusion Gold are absolutely gorgeous and the lasting power is great. Red Hot Copper is great too, but I found it too much on my lids, but with green eyes, this will look absolutely stunning! It will also go very well with In the Sun from the Naturally collection.
I'm looking for more barely-there sheen, like what I get from Hold That Pose applied dry with a 217, so Palladium is still interesting to me, but that one and Virgin Silver and the other light ones are definitely going to take a little finessing.

Ardent is going to come home with me, I am sure, so no worries there on the GP Metal Xs. :D


Well-known member
I purchased a couple of these from Nordstroms. I will be honest. I got them from Nordstroms knowing that I could easily return them if they sucked. I also ordered Vintage Coin from, and now it is already sold out. Vintage coin is still in transit.

The two that I bought from Nordstroms are Red Hot Copper and Rusty. I used both products on my lids, primed with TFSI and Nubile PP. So far I have minimal fading and creasing - wear time 3 hours so far. Creasing was *surprise* in the crease, and it is hardly noticable. Unless of course I walk around with my eyes closed. The creasing really did not effect the overall look that much. The fading was minimal. Honestly I expected more.

I purchased red hot copper and rusty to use on lids, cheeks and lips. So far I am happy with the performance on the lids. I also applied red hot copper on the lips, and I really like it! It does have a bit of a nasty taste that needs to be tolerated, but I really like it layered under a gloss. I have not applied these to my cheeks yet.

Overall I don't think that these products are as bad as some of the reviews posted, and I recommend trying them out before making a decision. I do not have oily lids, so that may be a factor. But I plan to keep what I bought. Unless of course they melt off my face before this evening.


Well-known member
Just got Rusty & Venetian Tarnish. Venetian Tarnish is so very different & pretty. I don't normally do anything in this kind of gold tone, but this one seems to have a bit of bronzish tone in it so it looks divine - especially makes the Hazel color in my eyes pop. I thought it looked really stunning on T's eyes in her pics. Rusty is a very nice simple-glam dusty peach on. Love them. I've been wearing them for a few hours now - no creasing. Just lightly pat on with your fingers, let it set & you can pat on another application. Nothing creases on my lids though.


Well-known member
Swatched Gold Carbon today and I'm so torn.
It is THE perfect warm grey I've been looking for my entire life, even knocking Hocus Pocus from that coveted spot...but I worry about the formula. If it's still on the site when Iris Aphel goes up I'll buy it, and if not then it's not meant to be. I'd prefer not to have to trek to my mall until the end of January if I can help it, it's been so crazy crowded.


Well-known member
Just got Rusty & Venetian Tarnish. Venetian Tarnish is so very different & pretty. I don't normally do anything in this kind of gold tone, but this one seems to have a bit of bronzish tone in it so it looks divine - especially makes the Hazel color in my eyes pop. I thought it looked really stunning on T's eyes in her pics. Rusty is a very nice simple-glam dusty peach on. Love them. I've been wearing them for a few hours now - no creasing. Just lightly pat on with your fingers, let it set & you can pat on another application. Nothing creases on my lids though.

IMO, VT is the best Metal X from this collection. I second your thoughts on the bronze hues, which are just gorgeous. And they will look even better during the summer time.


Well-known member
IMO, VT is the best Metal X from this collection. I second your thoughts on the bronze hues, which are just gorgeous. And they will look even better during the summer time.

Its so elegant looking on & the hazel in my eyes became so prominent. So you're not crazy about Red Hot Copper? When I sheered it out in the store it looked nice, but then that was on my hand.


Well-known member
Its so elegant looking on & the hazel in my eyes became so prominent. So you're not crazy about Red Hot Copper? When I sheered it out in the store it looked nice, but then that was on my hand.

I do like RHC, but I'm kind of picky how many cream products I use at the same time. So for the sake of using up my existing products, I passed on RHC. If it's still around in February, I might snag it. It's definitely a color I would love to have during the summer.


Well-known member
An update on my metal X products. At the end of the day, both rusty and rhc had balled up significantly on my lids. I never have wear problems with eye products. Yes they do tend to fade throughout the day, but they never crease & ball up like these did. I loved the colors on, but the wear really dissapointed me. I only experienced something similar to this with the big bounce shadows, and we all know how "great" LOL those products turned out to be.

Sadly they are probably going back to Nordstroms today. I will exchange for some of the new glosses instead. I really wanted these shadows to work, so I am not happy about returning. But $40 plus tax is too much to throw away on products that I will not use again.


Well-known member
IMO, VT is the best Metal X from this collection. I second your thoughts on the bronze hues, which are just gorgeous. And they will look even better during the summer time.
Which should be in the right timeframe for me to vulture these up at my local CCO when they don't sell. Meh heh heh heh heh


Well-known member
I returned my metal X to Nordstroms yesterday, and the MUA told me that these products are not selling. She said that they did not sell a single one the day before - at least during her 8 hour shift. So I think that your plan to vulture them from a CCO is probably a good one. My guess is that a lot of these will end up there.
Which should be in the right timeframe for me to vulture these up at my local CCO when they don't sell. Meh heh heh heh heh


Well-known member
I think I'll do the same. I liked Gold Carbon when I swatched it, but the mostly-miss reviews makes me hesitant to pay full price for it. Hopefully the Extra Dimension cream shadows will have a MUCH better formula.


Well-known member
I dunno why but I ended up with Palladium and Gold Carbon today. I'm thinking about messy-smudgey eyes for a night out, like the whole "I've been out all night and haven't gone home yet, still partying" kind of thing but not as gross (if that makes sense). LOL I don't actually mind creasing for nighttime looks, I'm probably the odd one out on this one though.


Well-known member
^^^When these products are first applied, the colors are gorgeous. It is just after some wear time that they start to crease, melt, etc.

I think that wearing them for a few hours on a night out will work great. I am a working mom with little kids, so my "late" nights are usually spent sitting on the sofa trying to watch a movie without falling asleep. LOL I used to go out to the clubs though - pre kids of course.


Well-known member
I dunno why but I ended up with Palladium and Gold Carbon today. I'm thinking about messy-smudgey eyes for a night out, like the whole "I've been out all night and haven't gone home yet, still partying" kind of thing but not as gross (if that makes sense). LOL I don't actually mind creasing for nighttime looks, I'm probably the odd one out on this one though.
This makes total sense. LOL.


Well-known member
Grabbed Vintage Coin and Fusion Gold today, they look so pretty together! Gonna try them out tomorrow


Well-known member
When i got my DG goodies yesterday i saw that 6 out of 9 Metal X shadows where already sold out at my counter. I'm really suprized, because most people don't like them.