MAC MK has Danse ready for launch!

I'm such a loser, I went and asked Carlene (my favourite MA) if they had Danse yet, and she told me they had had it delivered and it was ready to be stocked after Christmas. She and I had a laugh about me ( the utter make-up tyro) becoming an addict in the space of two months ! Its all her fault, she made me up so beautifully before i went to the US that I had to keep coming back for more bits and pieces.


Well-known member
Hey Barefootgirl!!

I can't wait for Danse... i am planning shopping in Plymouth with my Mum after New Year just for Danse...


Well-known member
did she tell you when - I spoke to Sarah (the manager) in MK on sat and she didnt mention it and we know each other really well