MAC PRO Fall Trend Eye Palette (April 2012)


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Fall Trend Eye Palette Six features key shades that define the high-drama eyes of Fall '12 in the creamy textures and new runway-favoured shades of Dark Currant, Smoked Paprika, Blazer, Pepper-Salt, Delft and Nature Fibre. Limited edition.


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Well-known member
It's comical that the Fall palettes are released today as it was in the 90s. MAC, give us a Summer Trend Palette!


Well-known member
I actually like the new PRO promo pics. I'm not a big fan of photographing used make up, but this time I don't care as much.


Well-known member
That forest green is pretty fabulous! Thanks for posting the info.

They came out with the Spring Palette really late, so the timing is not really in sync, but I'm thrilled they are released early.

That green is darn pretty.


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You can have my Delft. I don't think I'd use it much, but all the other shades are gorgeous.