MAC scarred me for life aka BAD experience


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone who replied! It wasn't like the next it was a gaping blister, it started as a tingle and it was weird cuz I had never felt it, then the bubbles, then the blistering. So all in all it took a few days. If I had it but it was dormant up until the point I tried the lipstick then it's a big coincidence, but still possible. If I remember from the 'MAC bible' they're supposed to clean it in front of the customer after using (I looked it up after this all happened). Regardless, she should have cleaned it. Mouth-to-mouth contact is the easiest way to transmit (via my dermotoligist) so lipstick would kinda make sense. MAC still hasn't replied which is annoying. I use Abreva and that works pretty good. But it's still ugly and gross.


Well-known member
Yeah they are not very efficient at my local counter with keeping lipsticks,etc sanitized. Once I asked a MA to apply a blush on me.
She pulled out a visibly dirty brush and dipped it in the blush, I stopped
her and called it to her attention. She said sorry, all though I don't think that is very professional or courteous. I have sensitive skin and don't need the oils+bacteria from another persons skin on mine
stirring up a breakout. If I want to try a lipstick I all ways request for it to be sanitized first in front of me, and now reading your story I really will. I am sorry to hear that happened to you.
Hundreds of people are touching the products and it is probably hard to keep everything sanitized but that is their job.
At the Victoria's Secret it is so gross, everyone applies lipgloss lipstick right out of the tubes onto their lips.And I never see them sanitize anything. Geeze have some couth and respect for others
that is what the tester wands are for!


Well-known member
Hi! i just wanted to tell you, just in case your physician didn't: you should avoid stress and get a good vitamin supplement. In addition, the virus 'feeds' of certain proteins ,so avoid meat during an outbreak. a good prevention is L-Lysine (counter active protein) it not only helps healing but sometimes taken in large dose right when you feel a 'tingling ' in your lips , can even prevent an outbreak.
anyway, make shure to always wear an spf on your lips. it has to have titanium dioxide or parsol/avobenzone in order to be effective
hope this helps

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I know this is gonna sound off the wall but what really helps my fever blisters is using a plain yogurt with live and active cultures as a spot treatment when at home. I burns a bit but it really does makes them heal up faster. I am so sorry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dmenchi
Hi! i just wanted to tell you, just in case your physician didn't: you should avoid stress and get a good vitamin supplement. In addition, the virus 'feeds' of certain proteins ,so avoid meat during an outbreak. a good prevention is L-Lysine (counter active protein) it not only helps healing but sometimes taken in large dose right when you feel a 'tingling ' in your lips , can even prevent an outbreak.
anyway, make shure to always wear an spf on your lips. it has to have titanium dioxide or parsol/avobenzone in order to be effective
hope this helps


Thank you! I will definitely try this and also the suggestion with yogurt. Any vitamins in particular? I use the One-a-day brand multi-vitamin daily. Any others I can take? And I had no idea about meat. Thank you a ton!


Active member
im really sorry that has happened to you, I get colds and pink eye because of where I work although I constantly sanitize everything and I carry around a huge bottle of sanitizer. Unfortuneatly some people are just straight up nasty, and do not care about germs.
I usually get a lot of dirty looks because I sanitize my hands after I touch anything, and yell at my kids not to touch things in the store.


Well-known member
I've had the same thing happen it sucks royally, but now I only get it when I'm majorly stressed out or right before my period. I take fishoil pills and those have seemed to keep it down alot I've talked to many doctors they are just the cold sores but I never got them before trying on make - up and whatnot (my ex husband never got them so I doupt I got it from him) the other thing that helps is abreva, they seem to go away pretty quickly now for me if you keep putting that stuff on every hour or so it will go away within a few days.


Well-known member
That royally sucks!! My mom gets cold sores from my dad and it's just cuz his body stirs them up. I've only had one in my entire life and that was when I was little. I would hate that to happen again since I bug out when my lips get dry. Anyways, one of the main reasons why I buy MAC is that I can try it all on. I have a wierd skin color and some colors/formulations look good and some don't for example, I'm allergic to EVERYTHING Oil of Olay. This raises a concern that people should be aware of. Make sure the m/a's sanitize stuff or use one of the sample lip brush thingies. I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope that it doesn't happen to anyone else! A helpful tip: my mom swears by Carmax. Bad for chapped lips but good for coldsores!


Well-known member
Sorry, that really bites. I do what Mzreyes does with lip products, I won't try testers either, except on my hand. I wonder if it would be feasible for the counters to keep a set of l/s behind the counter that they could just scrape a thin layer off with a spatula? Then you would have a sanitary 1 time use dose. Maybe it would be too much of a hassle for the MAs, who knows. I suggest this because I have on a couple of occasions I have returned a l/s that I used once, because the color was horrendous on me. But more often than not I keep it, and therefore have a section in my traincase for unloved lipsticks. Maybe I should B2M them.


Well-known member
I hope it wasn't from the darn MAC counter. Sorry about your cold sore. They are a pain. I get them when I am stressed to the max.

I test lipstick on my hands. I rub on it to check to see if they rub off quickly. That tells me if they will stay on long. Also, I check eyeliner the same way. I have read that the inside of your thumb is a good place to check on how a lipstick will look on your lips. I mainly check for undertones.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
So sorry to hear this happened to you.

I have always been concerned about that but brush it off as paranoia; that's it, I am never testing a lip product on my lips ever again.

A cold sore is a form of herpes, and VD’s have been known to show signs the next day after being exposed/infected so probably possible that even a cold sore would show up the very next day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
Might be the lipstick, might not... (you can pick it up anywhere and it can lay dormant for years before you get a flare up...)

BUT... that MA had no business ramming lipstick on you if you didn't want her do do it. We're trained insideoutandbackwards to always have the customer's permission to do ANYTHING, even help another person... if you're "just browsing" I gotta ask you if it's okay if I help someone else while you do that.
So... yeah. You should bring that to someone's attention.

i've only met 2 mac ma's that were that nice. ever.


Well-known member
*huggs. I feel for you honey.. I rather swatch on my hand, buy it, and return it if I don't like it (or sell it or something lol) than put it on my lips. Not to be rude but you just don't know how hygenic other people are, and my immune system has always been a little shaky so I always need to take extra precautions.

I hope MAC gets back to you and does something about it! Maybe a giftcard or something LOL