MAC She-Demon Halloween 2009


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JaneHorror
Awesome job, its kind of freaking me out that I cant tell where your lips are at all lol

Yeah, when I first took a look at the lips I was wondering where they would go too... but in the end, the top lip matches up with the cupid's bow of the mask, and the bottom lip matches with the four front teeth. I had paled out my lips with foundation, but in the end, it was the Shu white cream shadow that really made a difference, that stuff is Opaque with a capital O!


Well-known member
WOW! that is crazy! I can't believe you did that! I could never do that!! major props to you! that's just fricken amazing.


Well-known member
OH MY EFFiN G ! that is so scary but stunning at the same time ! you are so talented ! i have no idea where you lips are lmaooooo, seriously where in the world is your mouth !!!???