MAC Skinfinish LE in the UK???


Active member
Please tell me this is not the case. I just went on the MAC site in the UK and was looking at the skinfinishes and on the site it specifically states LE. As far as I know its no LE in the US why would they make it LE in another country. Oh well, I guess I wont stress too much as I can always swap or buy it on the E-bay US site.


Well-known member
well i think they're getting the light one back in, cause it only has the out of stock circle rather than the triangle of death...

maybe they just used the same text from their last release, and didn't delete the LE bit? who knows, but i need to get my hands on the light one!


Well-known member
I believe there was something said, somewhere, a while ago, that they were going to be LE online but not in stores?