mac teals/turquoises/bluegreens


Well-known member

I'm hoping you guys can help me!

I'm looking for a complete list of all the teals/turquoises/blue green shadows MAC has ever made. This includes any that are in quads & palettes and/or LE/DC ...

Please let me know if this exists somewhere
I'm also moderately interested in blues & greens, but it's not as important as teals!!

Thank you!

This is the list I have so far:

A Bluer Blue - Shimmery teal-blue (Delights Teal)
Aegean Green - Slightly bluish-green (Disc)
Big T - Intense aqua w/ green pearlized pigment
Blue Absinthe - Shadowy aqua blue with frost
Meadowland - Blue green
Nightbird - Rich aqua w/ green pearl (FORMAL BLACK: SUEDETTE-6 INTENSE EYES)
Parrot - Soaringly electric turquoise
Surreal - Soft bright bluish green w/ gold shimmer
Waternymph - Turquoise with emerald pearl
Aquadisiac - Deep sea turquoise
Peridot - Greened blue jewelled with silver frost
Turquatic - Fresh light turquoise with silver pearl
Plumage - Dusky peacock
Pretty Twisted - True mid-toned aqua green
Riot - Dark turquoise
Solar - Deep green-toned blue (disc)
Tres Teal - True blue teal w/ yellow gene
Aqua - True blue teal w/ yellow gene
Brill - Seafoam green
Dark Teal - Umm..dark teal (pro)
Electric Blue - Vivid blue with a green undertone
Hipnotique - Mesmerizing Morrocan mint
Meadow - Murky greenery, shaded by blue
Melody - Vivid bright bluish green
Prose & Fancy - Dirty aquamarine with a low level pearl
Sublimed Green - A dirty mint (COLOUR SCHEME: QUAD #3)
Teal Blue - Turquoise blue
Ingenue Blue - Deep-down dirty turquoise
Jewel Blue - Vivid mid tone aqua
Slated - A deep, moody teal (CHROMEZONE: CHROMEZONE QUAD #3)
Footwork - Soft minty blue w/silver pearlized pigment
Shimmermoss - Green with turquoise reflect
Tease N Teal - Frosted teal
Woman Of Means - Medium blue toned emeral green (TAILORMADE: WARM EYES)
Zonk Bleu! - Teal with reflective pearlized particles
Pompous Blue - Punched-up aqua with silver sparkle
Shaded Mint - A dusky teal (COLOUR SCHEME: QUAD #3)
Sugar Blue - Greened teal w/ pink pearlized pigment( SWEETIE CAKES:SWEETIE CAKES QUAD)
Aquavert -
Stormwatch - Deep Teal
Cool Heat
Gulf Stream
Warm Chill
Haunting (mcqueen)
Newly Minted

I'd also be interested in teal/turquoise pigments as well!

Thanks so much in advance for your help!!


OMG I'm in LOVE with teal eyeshadows!!!! I bet you are too, huh? Man, that's a big list T__T and i bet alot of them are from LE collections that are no longer available...wahh...i love teals! Thanks for this!


Well-known member
Pigments -

Deep Blue Green
Steel Blue (is more Turquoise than blue)
Antique Green

You could probably add RR Blue as well since its slightly more tealy that Blue original.


Well-known member
I think I declared my obssession with turquoise in my first post. I am seriously addicted, and would probably use my turquoise/teal/bluegreen eyeshadows as powder foundation if I were not bound by social convention and a strict work dresscode
! What about Lustreleaf and Julep from the Summerwear quad...I am new to this categorizing business so these colors may be too green for inclusion on this list. Thank you so much for starting this thread! Now I have a new project--MUST possess all MAC eyeshadows from the turquoise family!!

EDIT: What about the Glitters...Reflects Transparent Teal, Reflects Turquatic, and Turquoise? I believe I read these are not safe for use on the eyes; coincidently, upon reading that, I instituted a personal makeup rule whereby I must collect personal evidence of said hazardous consequences. **Disregards the Rules...too often...will undoubtedly pay for it and regret it...


Well-known member
steamy eyeshadow (perm)
tilt (perm a lightblue with a slight green cast on me)
electric eel and clarity eyeshadow


Well-known member
thanks guys! i forgot to subscribe to this thread hahaha and didn't realize had replied!

i'm currently digging to see what i can find ... my next goal is going to be bblues & greens lol!