MAC Therapy...


Well-known member
I must admit this is not my inaugural post, however, it is my inaugural thread edition. I have been lurking around here for sometime, and finally a couple weeks ago I joined (lots of trust issues
). I began my affair with MAC in 2001 with my first makeover and haul. I had been coveting MAC products for several years before then, but had no access to a counter
! I read about the Spice l/l in a magazine, and knew someday I would make it mine. Oh how can I ever pay my debt of gratitiude Spice l/l!?!?!

I have been in college until very recently, so I am so very sad to say my collection has been slow to grow to a respectable size. MAC was often responsible for an all Ramen Noodle diet (who am I kidding, it still is!)

Over the years, I have had long periods of time where I did not wear makeup .**shudders** Many times I simply did not have the time, especially when I was working on my master's degree. Further still, I was extremely overweight (5'4", 320 lbs.), and I had a gastric bypass in July of 2002. I was less interested/had resigned myself to the idea that no one would notice anything but my weight so why bother trying to care about how the rest of me looked. I lost 193 lbs.
in 19 months, and I have been MUCH more engaged with clothes, travel, and of course my beloved MAC. In the last 2 years, I have had several devastating life changes, including the passing of my beloved Golden Retriever, Bayleigh. For those of you who have pets that you consider your children, it is gut wrenching to lose such a large part of your life. I still cry everyday. A couple of weeks after Bayleigh passed, I went through a devastating break up. If I am being honest, I still cry about him everyday, too.

So, what do these things have to do with MAC or even makeup? I felt like I had been hurt so badly that I would never feel joy again. I stopped caring about my life, and went to bed for several weeks. In an attempt to find something to think about other than the loss of so many things I loved and dreamed of, I pulled out my makeup that I had barely touched in a year. This may sound crazy (perhaps, more so to people who are not on this forum
), but getting up and putting on my makeup became my daily meditation. It has been the driving force in the restructuring of my life and my self-worth.

In honor of my revitilization, last month I bought the item that I have wanted my whole little MAC life--THE TRAINCASE!!!! I have to admit it was one of the happiest days of my life!
I feel like I have arrived. So I just wanted to officially say hello, and tell you how excited I am to begin being a contributing member of Specktra.