mac website question


Well-known member
Does the website ever sell left over stock from old collections?
I know they generally get rid of swatches once they're sold out of something, although there are exceptions like the blue, coco pigment swatches that permanently have the sold out dot next to them (on the off chance there's a restock??).
I don't know if I just didn't notice before, but the site has a few shadows from collections over a year old (like Gladabout, Au Contraire) and I am curious whether they just never sold out of these, or if they are clearing out some backstock. Does anyone obsessively keep tabs on the site and know whether these have always been here or just recently appeared? or have past experience with such things? Thanks.

black mamba

Well-known member
The only time I've ever seen something go from sold out to back online was the Coco pigment from the D'Bohemia collection. IIRC it sold out with in days of its launch, but a week or two later it was available for sale again and sold out again and has been listed as sold out ever since. I'm guessing that the shades listed are just ones that haven't sold very well.


Well-known member
Apart from the pigments in D'Bohemia selling out, Tres Teal last year sold out and then reappeared. They usually say that it's an issue of shipments, but I'm not sure what it is. I suppose that's as good of a reason as any.

I think the really old ones (like hipnotique, which has been on the site for like 18 months, and crimsonette which is finally gone but was on there for ages) are just ones that didn't sell well.


I haven't seen old stuff re-appear, unless they are bringing it back in a new collection. on the other hand does have old stuff mysteriously re-appear (lost shipments??). That's how I got my Coco Beach last year.


Well-known member
No I think generally what they do is send the over stocked stuff to the ccos...Or they leave it in their drawers