MAC x Rihanna Collection Discussion (2013)

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Just got mine and my confirmation email. I initially tried on my phone at 11:56 am EST and was waiting forever...but then when I got to my desk at work I tried on the computer and only waited for about 5 minutes. I guess the mobile wait is longer???


Well-known member
I think the one per order limit is fine and needed based on past eBay makeup prospectors. This lippie is getting released a few more times this year so there will be more than enough opportunity for backups. I placed my order while I was on the train on my way to work. It looked dicey at points because I was working off a 4G LTE connection that dropped a bit depending on when I was. I was on Edge (lawd. An Edge connection is like using dial up internet) by the time I was to the last step in checkout. I got through it all and got a confirmation email before the process finished on my phone's browser.


Well-known member
My page keeps refreshing to a blank screen then goes back to the "your request is being processed page" every few seconds. Is this normal? I first got in the virtual room four minutes before noon. It has been over 30 minutes!


Well-known member
I got mine but it only offered standard shipping -_- anyone able to get overnight?
I couldn't get it either. Maybe because of the popularity of this launch. I hate standard shipping with a passion. This means I am going to watch reveal after reveal of RiRi Woo while I wait nearly two weeks for mine to arrive.


Well-known member
sigh it took me 45 mins ... I was putting in a lipgloss hit home page and it was up. Gray screen, swirling circle of doom, gateway timeout 3times during check out which meant signing in all over again. But I do like the lower minimum and line to order. I would prefer a minimum of 2 because I usually buy 2 of LE stuff I think I will love right off the bat if I can afford to since it solves so many hassles trying to find later. But it is being re-released throughout the year so no sweat on waiting for a 2nd


Well-known member
At work waiting to get another order in. Man this is taking forever. My phoned timed out it was taking so long. Just let us by the dam lipstick MAC!!


Well-known member
:( gosh its 1 lipstick people are lying to buy 2 go after them not a scalper im a mac fannatic also .i once paid 50 bucks for 1 pink friday lipstick and mac playboy i paid 100 dollers !on ebay .
I paid $50 for a Perfect Topping MSF a few weeks ago from eBay. Sometimes you just want something so bad you pay a ridiculous price for it.


Well-known member
WOW!!! you really love MAC. I love Mac lipsticks but I am not going to pay four times what they cost for them on ebay.


Well-known member
if you come here and say you don't want the lipstick that you're gonna put it on eBay for more than twice as much then you're gonna get flamed.
i really didn't mean to upset anyone i was stalking too i even set my alarm just to see it online ,then my mac attack said buy it so i did .im not here to be a reseller i hate that to but why keep a item i do not want ?please relax im not mean.


Well-known member
dang so they just cancelled overnight shipping n second day period for today even if u dont get ri ri woo


Well-known member
your case is completely different from the original post last post regarding this topic. if you come here and say you don't want the lipstick that you're gonna put it on eBay for more than twice as much then you're gonna get flamed.
True that.


Well-known member
How are some of you able to check out and order a 2nd time and some of us can't get thru at all?


Well-known member
I couldn't get it either. Maybe because of the popularity of this launch. I hate standard shipping with a passion. This means I am going to watch reveal after reveal of RiRi Woo while I wait nearly two weeks for mine to arrive.
Me too, I'd much rather pay to get it tomorrow -_-. Geez MAC.
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