MAC x Vera Neumann Discussion


Well-known member

beautiful colors!! I've not swatched them yet because I'm gonna photograph them tomorrow XD there's only a thing I don't like: the teal one is empty for 2/3 of the jar O____o


Well-known member
That sucks! I did notice there are some larger clumps of product so maybe its just concentrated more strongly in yours? They are so pigmented. And that seafoam green? I love it so much I want to marry it.

beautiful colors!! I've not swatched them yet because I'm gonna photograph them tomorrow XD there's only a thing I don't like: the teal one is empty for 2/3 of the jar O____o


Well-known member
i ordered the butterfly stack and the pink powder a few days ago and now i'm just impatiently waiting for them to arrive! :p


Well-known member

There will be a time when you want to wear those bright colors again.


Well-known member

It will have to be a 3 way because I love the seafoam green too! It is my favorite pigment of all time. (okay, maybe for the moment)


Well-known member
Does anyone know if the Pearlglides are perm in the UK? They're all showing as Limited Edition on the website so I'm a bit worried. If they're LE then I need to grab some back-ups pronto!

I have emailed MAC to ask - just wondering if anyone on here knew...
MAC emailed me back to confirm that YES - the Pearlglide liners will be perm here too :D Apparently they'll stop showing as limited edition once the collection is off the site.


Well-known member
MAC emailed me back to confirm that YES - the Pearlglide liners will be perm here too :D Apparently they'll stop showing as limited edition once the collection is off the site.
That's great! I love my undercurrent and i'm glad that i don't have to get back ups.


Well-known member
Pearlglides are amazing! they last all day on my oily eyes *__*

I have not tried them on the lower lash line, do they stay there? I am worried I will gouge my eyeball with a chunk of glitter. These are smooth for the most part, but every once in a while a glitter chunk gets sharpish.


Well-known member
I also asked my MAC counter today about whether the pearlglides will be permanent in Aus. They said yes!


Well-known member
Vera Neumann..are you kidding? This is why I love MAC. I see amazing foiling in our futures...

P.S. If you are not familiar with Vera, pleeeease look at her artwork and fashion. Mod, yet kitschy, and very colorful. A major major fashion statement in her heyday.


Well-known member
I use them on the lower lashline and just below, but NOT ON THE WATERLINE because like you say....
them glitters do get "sharpish" from time to time. I have never had one stick me in the eyeball wearing it that way, but occasionally I get stabbed when my wrinkles trap one in their folds and it is not so nice.

I have not tried them on the lower lash line, do they stay there? I am worried I will gouge my eyeball with a chunk of glitter. These are smooth for the most part, but every once in a while a glitter chunk gets sharpish.


Well-known member
I have to be careful when I take it off, but a cotton pad soaked with extra much make up remover usually helps to solve the issue. Nevertheless, it's better to be safe than sorry.