Macy's Interview Today (long)'s my dilemma:

Last week I applied online for a part time beauty advisor position with Macy's. I knew they were opening a new MAC counter this summer, and I really wanted the job, as all of us do. I figured that I wouldn't get the call for an interview, since I've been applying at MAC/Macy's for the past 5 years and have never had an interview with them yet. Last Sunday, my phone rang with a weird number that looked kind of familiar to me. I thought it was this company that calls with a recorded message informing me of government jobs in california. I ignored the call, and let it go to voicemail. The only other call I'd let go to vm recently was a bill collector, and since I thought it was from those weirdo recording people, I didn't check the messages. Days go by, it's now Friday night. I missed a call while I was in the shower, and a friend left me a message. I check my messages and the call from Sunday was the lady doing the interviews for MAC! She was going to be in town on Wednesday (now past) and had wanted to do an interview. CRAP! I had a mini breakdown and cursed myself for being an idiot. The next day, I called her back and asked if she still had any positions open, she said no. I asked her if she knew of any other MAC counters/stores where there were any positions open that I could interview for, and she told me to call tomorrow and check back.

Meanwhile... Today I got a call from Macy's asking me to come in tomorrow for an interview for the beauty adviser position. She said nothing about a group interview, or for which counter. I've been to an interview with Macy's before, but never for this position.

I am freaking out.

I don't know if I should wear neutral makeup, or if I should wear something that's more normal for me, 2 or 3 color blended look.

I know I'm going to wear all black.

I have visible tattoos. I have a cupcake and an ice cream sandwich on my forearm, and about 22 colorful stars splattered across my chest.

I've gone over all the questions I can think of that I may be asked during the interview.

I'd like to know what 'talent plus' means, if anyone could toss that info out there, I'd appreciate it.

Also, is the process as follows: 1st interview, 2nd interview, phone interview, hired?

What is the general period of time between 1st interview and hired, to 1st day of work?

General rate of pay for a counter position that is not MAC?

I'd appreciate the help!

Thanks, and wish me luck.
I still don't know what 'talent plus' means, and would appreciate some input on that. the interview went alright, but i was really nervous. it also didn't help that i saw the girl for the MAC counter in there interviewing more people.

I'm hopeful, but the counter I'd be working for is Lancome, and apparently that is sucky?

I don't know whether to be excited or disappointed.


Well-known member
I work at Macys for Arden and Lancome is really nice. Be excited. You will like it. Remember its about the makeup and the discount!
and no I don't know what talent plus is or means. I haven't heard of it till you mentioned it actually. Let me know how it goes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by seductressdolce
I still don't know what 'talent plus' means, and would appreciate some input on that. the interview went alright, but i was really nervous. it also didn't help that i saw the girl for the MAC counter in there interviewing more people.

I'm hopeful, but the counter I'd be working for is Lancome, and apparently that is sucky?

I don't know whether to be excited or disappointed.

from what i understand, talent plus, is a phone interview. you answer a series of questions and based on your respond they will judge if you are suited for the job or not. i did one for origins, and it was fine, takes about an hour and you do most of the talking.

i don't think lancome would be a sucky counter. there is always business and i think they are decent with their gratis, but i feel the sucky part would be pre-sale-ing. it's alot of calling people and trying to get them to purchase their products and recieve a free gift. i can't handle that, and i hate it! but for some people they love it and are super good at it, so you never know!

also, why don't you give the MAC counter manager another call. if she was interviewing people then they must have a position! call & make yourself known.

hope that helps
I should be alright doing the calling thing since most of my experience is in a call center/customer service-sales type environment. I'm more used to the phones when it comes to sales then in person, unless I'm selling you a pizza. But come is a self seller. :p Then is too, at least to me.
meh. i guess i didn't get the job at Macy's. the girl i interviewed with had said she'd call by the end of today to let me know, since she is going on vacation tomorrow for a week. Oh well. I guess I'll try calling the MAC manager again tomorrow. I applied in Richmond, VA to work for Ulta, and I wish Sephora had an online application so I don't have to drive hours just to turn in a resume full of experience that totally doesn't relate to cosmetics.

That's what I hate most about trying to get into this feild, even if it is just in retail... is that it seems like unless your first job was in cosmetic retail, that you're never going to get a job in cosmetic retail.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by seductressdolce
meh. i guess i didn't get the job at Macy's. the girl i interviewed with had said she'd call by the end of today to let me know, since she is going on vacation tomorrow for a week. Oh well. I guess I'll try calling the MAC manager again tomorrow. I applied in Richmond, VA to work for Ulta, and I wish Sephora had an online application so I don't have to drive hours just to turn in a resume full of experience that totally doesn't relate to cosmetics.

That's what I hate most about trying to get into this feild, even if it is just in retail... is that it seems like unless your first job was in cosmetic retail, that you're never going to get a job in cosmetic retail.

Not true...I ended up with MAC when a Nordstrom opened here...and I didn't have a drop of retail OR makeup experience. They just wanted people with good customer service skills. I interviewed with three lines: Stila, MAC and Chanel...MAC hired me and I worked at the counter for almost 3 years. I am now freelancing because the schedule fits my needs better.

Don't give'll get there. Good luck!
Thanks giz2000. I have been spending the past few days reading and lurking around specktra and mac's site and makeupalley...just kind of obsessing about makeup, yet I haven't done my makeup at all! I'm tired of wanting this type of a job, and I'm ready to have this type of a job. I'm actually ready to have any job...I'm so bored with no one to talk to!
I worked for esteelauder for awhile and i had to do a talent plus phone interview too. Their going to ask alot of questions mostly personality and scenario questions. It's not that bad i was really nervous for nothing..

ooh and good luck hun!!*