Makeup for older skin/wrinkles


New User
OK I hate to admit I am getting older, I swear I had no wrinkles a year ago and now I look like an old bag. So my question is what is the best coverup that will blend wrinkles -not make them more pronounced


Staff member
There is no universal "best" anything. Everyone is different, everyone has products that work better than others.

There is also no makeup or anti-aging skincare product that will "blend" (I think you mean "blur"?) wrinkles completely. They're not going to disappear. You're going to get more of them as you get older. That all said: if you're not using something with retinol (Vitamin A) or retinoids in it within your skincare, you may want to start. (Pure retinol stuff may be available only with a prescription.)

And a few more questions: What's your skintype (besides "mature")? In terms of foundation, what sort of coverage and finish do you want? Before your lines and wrinkles became more prominent, did you have trouble with foundation longevity? Do you have any other concerns besides your lines (breakouts, large pores)?


Well-known member
Perhaps you should look into Asianbeauty products lost of their creams and sheet masks are sort of plumping/smoothing for the skin. I am 56 no wrinkles just some faint lines I use a korean pearl powder for a little glow. Youtube has some mature ladies makeup makeovers where they conceal wrinkles those might be of use.


Well-known member
I'm 71, Asian, no lines on forehead, some lines at corner of eyes but nothing else apart from age spots (build up of melanin which is quite common in Asians). I was introduced to Monsia Skincare in December 2014 and my skin loves it. Based on the 2 common ingredients, shea butter & jojoba esters (oil extract) in this product line I have make a body butter and a sunscreen with SPF30 for myself & my next door neighbor! I don't wear a great deal of make up, never have, but I have always tried to look after my skin by keeping it moisturised and I have found that if I apply Vit E oil after my night repair moisturizing cream it keeps the moisture "locked" in. I use a homemade scrub once a week when I use my newly acquired Sonic 3 facial cleansing brush from Monsia, this is made from aloe vera gel/juice and rice flour. Brush & scrub are gentle, not abrasive, and be careful not to scrub around the eyes be super gentle in this area, I use a soft makeup sponge.