Before you can even recreate a look, you have to learn how to do the basics, start piecing together a makeup stash, and -- if you've not done so already -- put together a skincare routine based on your skintype and any concerns you have. (Skincare > makeup.)
These are the things I think one would need to look for when starting out. What specific products will depend on your budget and that sort of thing.
Face primer: This will depend on your skintype. If you're on the drier side, you may want something more hydrating/nourishing. If you're on the oily side, you may want something to help mattify the face. If you have enlarged pores, you may want something that will fill them in so any foundation will glide over them, if that makes sense? If your skin's combination, you may want to use multiple primers for different areas of your face.
Foundation: Again, this will depend on skintype. You also have to determine how much coverage you want (sheer, medium, full) and the finish you want (dewy/luminous/more natural, satin/velvet, matte). Start with one foundation, go from there if you find you like having multiple formulas to hand. If you live near enough to makeup counters and/or stores, go and see what's available, ask an assistant for help. (Also check out
this video series by makeup artist Lisa Eldridge. She's also got some other great vids on makeup basics.)
Concealer: I like having two -- one for under the eyes, one for blemishes. For under the eyes, I like something with a thinner texture but still gives enough coverage. I do not subscribe to the idea that you have to go one shade lighter than your skintone under the eyes, which is something a lot of makeup artists and enthusiasts advocate. (In my case, one shade lighter would be almost stark white, which... no.) Often times, if you have dark circles, using a lighter shade can make them look worse. Go with something that's the same as your skintone. Then, if you want to brighten up the undereye area, you can go over it with a light-reflecting powder. For blemishes, I like something with a thicker consistency.
Setting powder: My personal preference is loose powder because (at least in my experience) you use less of it. However, it's not as portable as pressed powder.
Brows: OMG, your brows are fantastic, and I hope you keep them that way!
Eyeshadow primer: This isn't strictly necessary, IMO, unless your eyelids are oily. (For me, it's a godsend, and something I wish was available when I was in my late teens/early twenties because I struggled mightily with eyeshadows creasing on me.)
Eyeshadows: I think the two colours every person should have are a matte one that's about the same as their skintone and a matte black or off-black eyeshadow (you could also opt for a dark brown if you think black or off-black looks too harsh on you). You can use a fleshtoned eyeshadow for blending out colours, or you can use it all over the lid as a base colour to give anything you put over the top something to cling to. A black/off-black/dark brown eyeshadow can be used to line your lashline, and it'll be softer than using any sort of eyeliner.
You could opt for a palette, which could help you figure out what colours you're more drawn to, or you could buy a bunch of single eyeshadows. Up to you.
Mascara: You don't need to spend a lot of money on this, IMO, especially as it's the one makeup item with one of the shortest shelf lives (toss and replace every three to six months). This will be something that will come down to what you want a mascara to do for you (definition, length, volume, a combination of everything). That said, there is one mascara that has appeared in many a makeup artist's kit, and one that's likely been tried by most of us at some point: Maybelline Great Lash. The wand is small, but you can do a lot with it.
Blush: I think, on you, a peachy-toned blush would be super flattering.
Lipstick: Start with the traditional lipstick in a "bullet". (Liquid lipsticks are a big thing right now, but since you're new to makeup, I think this is something you may want to hold off on until you're a bit more confident with using products in general.) To start, find a my-lips-but-better shade (something close to your natural lip colour) and a "nude" (something that will pale down your natural lip colour slightly without washing you out). If you're up for it, maybe a red (a more orange-based red or a neutral red may suit you better, I think).
Brushes and tools:
* A flat shading brush, to pack colour on the eyelid. I think MAC's 239 is still practically the gold standard.
* A tapered-yet-kind-of-flat blending brush (super versatile). If you take it on its flat side you can apply colour, or you can take it on the tip to blend colour out. MAC's 217 is a popular choice, but I recommend Hakuhodo's J5523 instead. It's a similar shape but the bristles are a lot softer.
* A more rounded blending/crease brush. This would apply a wash of colour where you want it. Something like a MAC 224, a Sigma E40, a Hakuhodo J142 or J5533.
* An angle brush. You can use this to apply eyeshadow along the lash line (I generally prefer this shape over something shaped more like a pencil). MAC's 266 is a popular choice.
* An eyelash curler. The one you choose will depend on your eye shape. The two super popular ones are by Shu Uemura and Surratt Beauty. They're both pricey, but they will last you a pretty long time.
* The beautyblender. It's shaped like an egg. You run it under some water, squeeze out the excess, it expands. Then you can use it to bounce foundation on your face. I like taking the flat bottom of it for that purpose, or you can use the sides. There are a myriad of dupes for it out there, but I prefer the real deal. (That said, don't be afraid to apply foundation with your hands/fingers, either. In fact, you may want to try that first, before buying any sort of foundation tool.)
* Some sort of blush brush. You could go for an angled face brush (e.g., MAC 168 or similar), something more flat/paddle-shaped (e.g., MAC 116 or 129, Chikuhodo Z4), or something more pom-pom shaped (e.g., Chikuhodo T4).
* A large powder brush for setting powder or even for giving your face makeup a final blend. I prefer this over using a powder puff; I think puffs eat up too much product.
Look for some more basic makeup videos on Youtube (I linked to one series already, but there's a lot more out there). And practice!