makeup reccomendations for dress


hello my fellow citizens. it's like my first ever post on specktra. when i needed makeup help i immediately thought of you guys. haha.

well. my friend is having a huge party for his birthday and his mother's as well. i got a gorgeeeeeeeous cranberry colored dress and shoes, but i'm really at a loss on what to do for my make up.

i also think that it's kinda important for me to mention that my crease is nonexistent. haha. asian eyes. :]

i would be sooo grateful for any suggestions. thank you.

here are some pictures.




thanks guys! now it's back to writing my term paperrrr!


Well-known member
Vanilla pigment is your friend!

Actually, my favorite thing right now with deep reds is pink bronze pigment and Sketch (actually I use burnt burgandy pig, but sketch is similar enough. But I imagine that my skin tone has a lot to do with it.

But yeah, I think a simple beautiful light toned eye with a pretty cat eye and mascara, maybe some false lashes? With a dress that color, it might be best to focus on lips and having a perfectly matched lip that stands out out against a simple and elegant eye and face look. I'm thinking also about the "lipstrict" look from MACs Fall backstage looks. I don't know if its still on the mac site, but basically its a simple face and eye with a dramatic lip. HTH!