Many photos from a newb. :D

Right the Newb finally got to posting. As I warned in the title there are a lot of photos, all from different looks as well.

If there are too many photos, please, tell me and I will edit my post, once someone tells me how, or if I figure it out.

Thanks and enjoy!


This was one of my common looks that I used to do for awhile when I was too lazy. I've steered away from it now. It was some generic make up from Ulta and Benefit, but other than that, I don't remember.


Silver and pink, used for a play that I was an alternate in. Our theme colors for the play were pink, silver and black.


Teal and yellow. Just because. I'd post a full face picture of it (where my hair totally rocks xD) but because of the computer I'm on, I can't fix the size. Sorreh.

Bad photo of my blue and yellow. T'was from yesterday. Today though I used some better blue and yellow shadow and man, I got so many comments on it. Not just from my girl friends but from some guys (one or two of them I didn't know. xD) and teachers. it was awesome.


Full face picture of the above look.

Okay! Last picture I promise! This is my favorite picture of me, and I don't have many of them. The look is what I call my "doll look." A friend in my history class told me that she kept starring at me during the entire hour and a half, wanting to know if she touched me if I was plastic.
Glad to know it worked!




Well-known member
You are absolutely adorable!! I LOVE the last picture. You really do look like a doll!! All the different colors look fabulous on you