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Mascara rescue!


Well-known member
I know you're supposed to toss out your mascaras every 3 months or once they've changed texture... but I couldn't bring myself to! I'm very hygienic in applying my mascaras, I avoid using them when I have eye infections, and most of all, I'm a student, and that means I'm frugal as frugal gets.

Also, I've only used this particular mascara a probably around 15 times. It probably dried out a bit because I didn't tighten it properly that one time.

So, instead of tossing out a tube of mascara that's still 95% full... we're going to SALVAGE it!

All we need is...


Some contact lens solution, said tube of mascara, and some alcohol.

Yeah, some of you might think WTF, just toss the bloody thing!

No way, man. I can't afford to even get the washing machine fixed, let alone buy more mascara! I bought one thinking maybe it'll have a bit more life in it than just giving up on me after 15 uses.

So, all you need to do is drop in 1 or 2 drops of the lens solution in, along with 1 or 2 drops of alcohol solution in it. Then you mix it around with the wand, and voila! You have salvaged said mascara. This works best if you leave it to sit overnight.

Sorry I don't have a photo of it before and after, but I assure you, it's as good as new.

Don't egg me for this, yes?


Well-known member
Great tip :). I don't use mascaras so often, so they "go bad" and I toss them. I will definitely try this.


Well-known member
^^ sounds interesting.. but, how much is the Contact lens solution (if you don't have one laying around the house which hasn't expired or gotten contaminated?) plus the Alcohol.. and how much is your actual savings if you are using a DS mascara?
Alcohol in the eys? won't that burn? or make you go blind? it's not like it's going to evaporate since the mascara will be shut tight