Melted lipstick


Well-known member
Hiya Has anyone else had any matte lippies get a bit melted in the heat? Mines gone a bit bubbly on the outside :(

Jumping Mice

Well-known member
I keep mine in a drawer and have been fortunate enough to not have any lipsticks melt. I do check them regularly just to be sure the troops are fine though. The one lipstick that went weird on me was Lady Bug (Lustre). It looked like the lipstick had been sweating and then dried up, leaving a "frosty" white residue all over the lipstick. It smelled fine, but there was no way I was even going to put it on again, which is a shame since I wore it a lot in the few months I had it. Stick your lipsticks in your fridge for a bit if you see them start to soften or just store them somewhere away from direct sunlight and heat.


Well-known member
I was applying a lipstick that is a lustre formula yesterday and the top bit just slid off. I am devastated because I had just rediscovered it, of course it is Limited edition shade, and cannot be replaced. I hate when they flatten out, may have to freeze it and reform the end to that nice angle like my newer ones have?


Well-known member
I once left my purse near the space heater in the middle of winter...melted the lipstick I had in there, which was MAC red. I was super sad.


Well-known member
Hasn't happened to me yet. I've had one that looked like it was sweating but I just throw everything in the fridge right away. I usually keep my lippies in the fridge until the weather gets cooler.


Well-known member
Sometimes lipsticks sweat and have a snow like frost on them it's just the fatty substance in the lipstick think of how chocolate does this same thing