Might as well say hi.


Well-known member
I probably should have done this a while ago but I think I am a bit slow sometimes. My name is Lisa. Everyones makeup on here rocks!! I love this place.

Just thought, also that I would share something nice. I went into MAC today *Masonville* and I had such a good time. Everytime I go there I have a good time lol. We have two MAC stores here and I always go out of my way to the one in Masonville since the girls there are always really helpful and awesome.

I had like ALL of the MAs telling me how awesome my makeup was. I am really shy so it really embarrassed me lol. In a good way though. It made me feel good about getting better at makeup in general. So that was awesome. I ended up walking away with:

Amber Lights
Beige-ing Shadestick
Some concealer *she made sure it was the right color for me as well before I got it*

I had a really good experience there. It was awesome. They talked me out of Turquatic though since I already had Aquadisiac. I liked the texture of Turquatic though and that it didn't have so much sparkle. *I love sparkle though.* But they did make a point.

Anyways, lol, I am not even talking about myself really....I have been into makeup for a while. As soon as I bought MAC for the first time I haven't bought anything else at all. I am pretty much brand loyal now and I recommend it to all my friends. I hope to get a better camera and do some FOTD soon. My camera is t3h crap, so yeah.

Anyways, you guys rock. I will stop rambling now.


Well-known member