Mineralize Skin Finishes


Well-known member
I wonder what these are actually for..

and how come one person can have MSFs of various shades?
if it's used for a blush, I can understand.. but if it's used for all over face over foundation (just like an MA told me in a live chat),
would you really want to have different shades on your face day by day?
For example gold today, pink tomorrow and yellow-ish the day after?


Well-known member
There are natural MSFs that come in fleshtones that you can use all over your face. Then there are colored MSFs that you can use as blush, highlight or contour depending on your skintone and the color of the MSF.


Well-known member
so is that the reason why one person can have lightscapade, goldspill, pleasureflush, etc etc all together?