Mineralize Skinfinish natural!


Well-known member
Hey, im an NC41 (nc44 when i been in the sun!)
was at the airport and the woman at the MAC dutyfree counter was stupid n unhelpful lol!
anyway, i got loads of MAC stuff reallly cheap, which is good!
got Mineralize skinfinish natural for £12!!!
anyway she said that medium dark would be ok, but they were out of stock, so medium deep would be alright aswell
can someone tell me the difference!
which one is darker? which one has which tones etc etc
( i have quite yellow skin, but when im tan, i can go into using NW...like a reddy bronzey brown colour? so which shade would i use then?)
any help much appreciated, at the moment im just using it over SFF to give a nice polished, flawless look, any other suggestions on using it!
thnx in advance!


Well-known member
Hey! I'm an NC42 in the satinfinish in the summer (but i can still use it now in the winter, though with a very light handed application)

I use medium deep for a bronze-y look and to set the foundation. the mineralize powder is so sheer, i dont think the difference between dark and deep is that big on our sklntone, though dark is the darker powder

i also use the deep for shading under my cheekbones and jawline.


Well-known member
see I cant use msfn med dark allover without looking orangey. I have to use it real light or else. actually i contour with it. im about nc40 right now, though I really wouldve liked to try an nc37 but the MA the other day told me to stick to nc40, and Im nc42 in the summer. i can use med dark then no big deal. im still oxidizing around my chin line, so i have that orangey line.. i think i need to try a skin primer..