Miss Independent


Well-known member
I'm just listening to Neyo's song titled "Miss Independent". I looove the song, a few rock/punk/alternative fans might object lol. The song makes me feel good..and there's nothing better than being independent on your own without a man's help. I'm not a feminist though..I don't think I can do everythign a man can do, I'm such a wuss and I'm weak compared to my boyfriend. Lol I just think that it's a great feeling being able to do whatever you wanna do without anyones help.

I just know enough ladies who depend on their man to buy them stuff and do everything..no complaints BUT men come and go..sometimes you find a genuine one that will be there forever. BUT what if you were dependent and the man suddenly leaves?


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I really hope that you reconsider yourself as a feminist. It's about equal rights among the sexes. Being given the chance and not being assumed that you can't do something because you are a woman.


Well-known member
My 6 y/o son knows every word to this song...demands to hear it every morning on the way to school and every evening on the way from school......He says...Thats my Mommy's theme song...

Oh I have worked all my life 25 years until now...and I do depend on my husband...But I can gladly do it without him...Because if he decides to up and go.....I will be taking half and I will still make more by sitting at home....

But divorce is not an option in our marriage...we just have to figure out what works.... As Will Smith says, In marriages where divorce is discussed as an option...they will more than likely be divorced.


Well-known member
I'm against discrimination with females regarding jobs etc. But seriously, how many women can do construction jobs? I have a friend who works at a construction site and I can't even do half the things he does in a day. I am quite a traditionalist and I think that we should praise men in things that they are exceptionally good at, and vice versa with women.

TISH, I looove the song hehe
I'm watching the video as we speak lol


Well-known member
I agree...I am going to go praise my husband now...He is exceptionally good at taking care of ME!!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prinsesa
I'm against discrimination with females regarding jobs etc. But seriously, how many women can do construction jobs? I have a friend who works at a construction site and I can't even do half the things he does in a day. I am quite a traditionalist and I think that we should praise men in things that they are exceptionally good at, and vice versa with women.

TISH, I looove the song hehe
I'm watching the video as we speak lol

I don't know. Many men aren't physically capable of construction work, either. My point is that I don't think it's fair to not give women a chance and that feminism is about treating women as individuals, like we treat black, white, Asian, etc. as individuals. AFAIF, there are some women who do construction work, and they do a fine job.

Quite a few people thought women shouldn't serve in the army, and quite a few people are dead wrong on that one. There are not a lot of women in science, and that isn't to say that they aren't good at it or couldn't pursue it, had attitudes been different. I think we should praise individuals for what they're good at, not a group. Not all women are good at nurturing or cooking.


Well-known member
i do love the song and i knwo i can manage without my husband!

i'm the breadwinner and to be honest i like it that way. i'm working in a very male orientated enviroment (only female manager and youngest manager!!) and i'm damn proud of what i've acheived in such short time. when i started some of the lads thought i wouldn;t do some of the heavy lifting and stuff like that but i do what i can and they're really pleased that i exactly what they do - shitty jobs and all!!


Well-known member
OMG I really love that song. My father taught me how not to be dependent on anyone. I am not married yet but I seriously do not see myself sitting at home and relying on a man for everything, i'd like to be able to do my own thing and spend my money the way i like without having to answer to anybody.I respect and appreciate the fact that the man is the head of the family and is the bread winner.


Well-known member
Hmm...I recently heard that song and it's quite lovely. I have found that I am independent to a fault. I have accomplished all I did without help as far as emotional or financial. I paid for my car, college, my rent and any bills all on my own. In my experience it hasn't been good. I think some men don't find it attractive, or maybe I give off some vibe and it sucks. I don't get approached and I have no friends. No, I don't act cocky, I'm quite the opposite and
I think it's good to be independent, but people do need people also. Just my experience.


Well-known member
I really do love that song, but I find it a bit disturbing you don't think women are capable of doing construction jobs. A LOT of men aren't capable of doing construction jobs and a lot of women are.

I know plenty of women who are better at doing "men" things and men who are better at doing "women" things. I plan on being the working mother and my boyfriend will most likely be the stay at home dad. It really depends on the person and not their gender.

And exactly what do men do best and women do best? I'm curious..

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