mixed signals


Active member
Ok so i started hangin out with this guy like in mid dec. first night together, we rented a movie. made out and seemed to really hit it off that we hung out til like 5 am. He seemed really into me. Next day, we hung out again. Talked about deeper stuff like relationships, # of past relationships,what we're looking for in a companion, etc. After that we started textin ea other til 4:30 am just talkin about life, etc. He even suggested I go w. him for spring break. He really seemed to be interested in me.
But things kinda started changing. Last time i was with him, he just acted really bored and different. Or maybe i was just having an off night since i was sick and PMSin. Sorry if thats TMI. But anyway. Didn't hear from him til about 2 days after we hung out. then he said, "ARe you done with me already?" I told him he was the one bein distant. and he said i was crazy.
So he asked me "When are you gonna come around again?" I said I would but I just didn't want to be clingy. He told me that I could show some interest. I thought about it, and decided maybe he's right. Anyway, I have a real issue w/ showing how i really feel.
So lately, Ive been tryin a little harder to show interest. But now he's just actin kinda cold. Didn't even ask what i was doin for new year's or anything. I texted him the day after new year's to see what he's doin. He says that he's sick. I just feel like he's making me chase him lately. Or maybe he just lost interest?
So is the problem me, him, or the both of us? Im just really bad at this stage of talkin to guys.
Sorry if my post is so long....


Well-known member
It seems to me that your guy is playing a game and its left for you to decide if you want to play or not but under no circumstance should you be the one to chase him. Call be old fashioned but thats not the way it should be so if he is acting cold then let him be for all you know he may have stuff going on in his life at the moment that he needs to deal with. There is nothing wrong with calling him a couple of times but dont chase him trust me its not worth it.


Well-known member
Instead of "he didn't ask me what I was doing for New Years," did you ask him what he was doing? ie taking more initiative like he wants?? Just a thought. Goodluck hun!


Active member
gosh i hate games. i think i need to just let it be. its just baffling to me how things can change so quickly. and brittni, i knew what he was doin new years. he went to his best friend's frat party--the guy i was actually initially talkin to. i know, that's shadiness on my part too. i knew it wasn't a good idea when it started. i think i need to just stay away from guys for now. but i just hate being alone!


Well-known member
Obviously I can't say for sure, but if he is playing games with you, I wouldn't play them with him. Maybe you should just leave him alone for awhile and see if he comes around. I wouldn't bother with someone who was acting indifferent, but that's just me. I just feel like if he's interested, he should act interested. I refuse to play games with people... my feelings are not toys, and I don't like when people act like they are. Good luck in whatever happens.