Modeling pics for my Portfolio


Well-known member

Hey everyone!

I did a shoot last week with Robert Huynh (A local graphic designer & photographer.) His site is Luck13 Design : The Portfolio of Rob Huynh. you should check it out; he does some pretty interesting stuff! I met him off of modelmayhem quite a while ago, but we finally met up last wednesday for coffee, then shot on thursday at his studio.
i've got to say, this has been my first REAL shoot. I have done others before with friends, and for my simple pictures for my portfolio.. but this shoot was quite intriguing. we did a series of shots, each with their own color theme.
it was also quite different for me too.. when you see the pictures, you can tell right away they're not anything like me, or my style, at all! I had so much fun though, and had my first experience working with a team for a photoshoot as well. He brought in his friend Christine as our hair & makeup artist, so again, i'm really glad to have had this opportunity, and the experience with working with others on a shoot... He wants to shoot with me again this month, and he's going to help me get a trial period with a new agency that opened up in Winnipeg, called Swish! Anyway, here they are! Let me know what you think...


In some of them, my mom had a hard time recognizing me.. LOL.




Well-known member
^^^ I agree. You look stunning


Well-known member
Hey fellow Winnipegger! Wow its interesting to see there are a few of us on Specktra!

I love the shots, esp the one with the pink around your neck and the blue/purple e/s! Good luck with Swish!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
Hey fellow Winnipegger! Wow its interesting to see there are a few of us on Specktra!

I love the shots, esp the one with the pink around your neck and the blue/purple e/s! Good luck with Swish!


yeah, i'm actually quite surprised at how many of us there are on here...!

Have you heard anything about Swish? they're still fairly new, and I haven't had a chance to go down there to meet with them yet. but i'm pretty confident that ANYTHING's better than panache :p


Well-known member
These are GORGEOUS. Now,I'm only saying this because I watch a lot of ANTM so don't be offended but... maybe you should try switcing up the look. Same facial expression and head angle won't get you too far in the modeling industry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
These are GORGEOUS. Now,I'm only saying this because I watch a lot of ANTM so don't be offended but... maybe you should try switcing up the look. Same facial expression and head angle won't get you too far in the modeling industry.

Lol... thanks...

umm these pics weren't picked by me; we shot for over three hours, and we had two full cards of photos. Rob (the photographer) chose these himself, as "the shots", and because theyre being released as a series, and theyre supposed to all connect... is why he chose these ones specifically.
they're all supposed to be beauty, editorial sort of shots. not commerical or anything "OMFG COVERGIRL LOLZ!"
I think also he liked my face at those angles.. I guess he thought they worked best for me, or his concept behind the shoot. & I did ask him if I could get a full cd of the shot, but he told me he doesn;'t believe in releasing all of the shots, including the bad ones, but only picking about 10 or so of the ones he wanted to use. trust me, I move around a lot and there were a TON of photos he could have picked from. No other ideas as to why he chose these. im just doing this for the fun of it, anyway!

I hope i don't sound too defensive, but yeah... I really wished he would've released a lot more than he has (so far!) he didn't want my hands in most of the shots either, so he trashed those too ;\


Well-known member
No I've never heard of Swish before, I honestly didn't know how much of a market there would be in Winnipeg, I knew there were those talent scouts that would occasionally come to the malls looking for people (ie Panache) but since I would never be a model, I've not paid much attention!

But checking out Swish's site looks good, and I kinda like how there's three women behind it. Best wishes!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
No I've never heard of Swish before, I honestly didn't know how much of a market there would be in Winnipeg, I knew there were those talent scouts that would occasionally come to the malls looking for people (ie Panache) but since I would never be a model, I've not paid much attention!

But checking out Swish's site looks good, and I kinda like how there's three women behind it. Best wishes!!!

Yeah, Panache has had a few runs of doing little 'fashion shows' at malls in attempts of getting models... but the only thing Panache is good for is hooking you up with Avon, Superstore, or Wal-Mart flyers and advertisement gigs, lol. There isn't really much of a market here; unless its for graphic design, or for shoots being sent elsewhere. alot of agencies will bring canadian girls to places like Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and rarely Milan, where they love our sort of 'look', i guess. Also, theres always independent stores, and places like Osbourne that would look to them for advertisement.

Panache is run by women too, but by more elderly women who in my opinion are pretty tasteless and rude.. they're a pretty big scam, too; they offer 'modeling school' where they tell you how to walk, how to meet with people on go-sees and develop people skills, and recite poetry. they're courses all cost a few grand, and i've had younger friends who've enrolled in the 'course', being told it would get them jobs. they've never landed a single one... ;\


Well-known member
Yay Winnipeg!

These pics are great! Excellent job. I've had friends who had bad experiences with panache....I'm sorry I dont know any good ones!