

I've spent $2500 on makeup since may 2008! Before that I had $70 worth of makeup. I feel so bad! At the same time, I feel the makeup has improved my appearance/mood/profesional look.... How do you guys feel about spending money on makeup? How much have you spent?


Well-known member
I try and not think about it.....We moved into our new house April of last year so I only bought a limited amount of make up so I guess this year i am making up for it
...last night my husband was like what does mac have a new collection every other week?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlossyAbby
I try and not think about it.....We moved into our new house April of last year so I only bought a limited amount of make up so I guess this year i am making up for it
...last night my husband was like what does mac have a new collection every other week?

Your hubby is hilarious!!


Well-known member
I suppose that most of the people on here 'mac addicts' will have spent a fair amount on make up. I know I have. I can't afford mac but I borrow money to afford it. I know I always want more and it's obviously not all going to get used up any time soon. I do a bit of freelance here and there which helps me make money and use up the products I have bought, but to think that I could have bought a car with the amount of money I've spent on mac over the last three years is scary. I think specktra is the one place where there are other people who are as bad as me in this way.

It's ridiculous that we all have so much because of course we aren't going to use it all up. And Mac will only keep bringing out more lovely things. It's a slice of luxury for me. And whenever I haul I feel a sneaky rush from it. And I'm not going to lie about it and say I feel terrible. I feel terrible when I think about the money, but I still don't think I regret it. I love all the new collections and colours. It's more like I'm collecting it I think!!

I've tried to 'shop my stash' but it just doesn't give me as much joy as going out and buying a brand spanking new eyeshadow!!


Well-known member
I feel bad about it.. Cause i like something so much, then i buy it, and in at least 30% of cases i end up not liking my new stuff.. i mean, i do like it, but i raelise i've just wasted money to an eyeshadow i gonna use once in 3 months.. It makes me feel really down. Plus, here prices are higher - Pigment is like 30$.. I feel bad about buying mutiny, its a gorgeous color i had a great make up done with, but i dont wear blue shadow. i dont even wear shadow all the time.. Id rather saved it up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlossyAbby
I try and not think about it.....We moved into our new house April of last year so I only bought a limited amount of make up so I guess this year i am making up for it
...last night my husband was like what does mac have a new collection every other week?

Ha ha - mine is convinced there is a new collection almost every week too - and that it all looks the same!

Absolutely dread to think how much I have spent in the last couple of years. In fact, I'm positive I just don't want to know.

Put it another way. I used to go ballistic if anyone wanted to count how many pairs of shoes I had. Now it would be how many eyeshadows, get the picture.

One of my friends would rather have new makeup than food when cash is tight. Scary thought that one....



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Millgrove
Ha ha - mine is convinced there is a new collection almost every week too - and that it all looks the same!

Absolutely dread to think how much I have spent in the last couple of years. In fact, I'm positive I just don't want to know.

Put it another way. I used to go ballistic if anyone wanted to count how many pairs of shoes I had. Now it would be how many eyeshadows, get the picture.

One of my friends would rather have new makeup than food when cash is tight. Scary thought that one....


I have started swatching at the counter then going home and swatching colors that look close to the new collection and then askingh is opinion like honey are these colors too close? Do I really need this? ( this makes him think I am actually being thrifty..) haha I'm like see Im saving us money by only buying ones that are different from what I have haha ......whatever that man spends money on fishing lures like they are candy... I guess we are even


Active member
I feel bad too about the money...but at the same time I dont regret it AT ALL!!!, makeup....sorry...MAC makeup makes me happy....and I think life is too short to not be happy.
Makeup is such a great way to express yourself....


Well-known member
The thing that i feel most bad about is when the packages start showing up at my door! Cuz then my whole family sees it and they realize just how much money i spend on mac and i don't want the mail man to think i'm a spoiled brat or something! lol. i mean, i do pay for all the mac that i buy so i should be able to do whatever i want with my money, but it does come and haunt me later on.


Thanks for ur replies. U guys make me feel better, as I am not aloe in this
I went to Nars and chanel today. ALL this is new to me! I try to think hard before buying anything. I had a girl at Chanel put makeup on me, and oh boy! WOW!!!! I leared so much! But I ended up buying more stuff.... $250...!!!