Morning Sickness Relief?


Well-known member
I am seven weeks pregnant and I am nearly constantly nauseous. I've tried seltzer water, I eat saltines constantly, I even bought one of those sea band bands that you wear on your wrist. It all seems to help a little but nothing really gets rid of it. It makes me scared to eat because I don't want to throw up because I used to have a slight e.d. and once I start throwing up it's hard to stop. Does anybody have any other suggestions I could try for this nausea? It does go away at some points during the day or I force myself to eat and I have been taking my vitamins so Im pretty sure (I hope) that baby is getting enough nutrition..


Well-known member
You should go to your doctor maybe they can give you something. I know with my kids I was not so bad but my friend was so sick up to her 4 th month that the doc. put her on IV fluid just so she won't dehydrate.
Right now I think as long as you take your pre-natals your baby is ok. Maybe it's the folic acid that makes u sick. I know it messed with me a lil'.
But anyhow, I really would consult your doc.
I hope U feel better soon =)


Well-known member
I used Sea Bands. You can buy them at the drug store, and my Dr. said they are safe. But, pretty much there isn't really much you can do. They do say avoid greasy foods, cuz that makes it worse. When you wake up, try and eat some crackers before you get ouf of bed. THat helps sometimes. I used the Sea Bands because I was still working. When I hit around 4 months, then the sickness stopped.


Well-known member
I saw a study on seasickness on Discovery Channel a few weeks ago, and they had tried everything, including the sea band. And, what ended up actually working for every one of the test subjects was Ginger pills they got from any health food store. I know, sounds silly right, but it did work. I will definitely buy it for this summer when we go boating lots. Hope that helps out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tinagrzela
I saw a study on seasickness on Discovery Channel a few weeks ago, and they had tried everything, including the sea band. And, what ended up actually working for every one of the test subjects was Ginger pills they got from any health food store. I know, sounds silly right, but it did work. I will definitely buy it for this summer when we go boating lots. Hope that helps out!

I don't know why the Sea Bands helped me. LOL Maybe cuz I wasn't on a boat. But, that ginger pill sounds interesting. Because, I do get sea sick on boats.


Well-known member
I was severely nauseated with my first until the 7th month. The Dr put me on Compazine. Prior to that, I was hospitalized....I just couldn't stop vomiting! Talk to your Dr! Hyperemesis, severe vomiting during pregnancy, is a very uncomfortable condition!


Well-known member
Same here! I went on a cruise, and I swore to myself that I would find something better. I was taking Gravol, but it made me want to sleep all the time!
Congrats on your pregnancy!
Try taking your prenatals at night, sometimes they can cause the nausea and it's easier to handle when you're sleeping :)
Are you holding fluids down? Make sure you are getting enough fluids! If you aren't able to eat meals, try drinking high calorie shakes or beverages.
Hot tea also helped me. They do make ginger tea that helps ease the nausea.
Try eating small meals through the day if you can handle it.
It will pass. I just entered my second trimester and am getting my appetite back.

Good luck and hope you start feeling better!


Well-known member
When I was pregnant, my best friends were those Altoids sours. I ate so many of those things, because they really seemed to help the nausea.

See, there are these things made for morning sickness called Preggie Pops, but I discovered that Altoids Sours have the same ingredients, but are much easier to find (and, I imagine, cheaper).

Any flavor will do, but my personal favorites were the tangerine and the raspberry.

edit: Also worth having if you can find them, are GINGER Altoids. Ginger does help with nausea, but I found that the ginger Altoids were the best way of getting ginger into my system when I was pregnant.


Well-known member
i've never been pregnant, but ginger (the dried kind) does help with sickness. we chomp on it during anything that might cause motion sickness and it tastes pretty good too!


Well-known member
Eat crackers and ginger.. I ate the ginger from Japanese restaraunts..don't eat the sushi, but the ginger helped alot.


Well-known member
Congratualtions on the baby!!!

I agree with taking the prenatals at night, those things don't help if you're already feeling sick. The first time I was pregnant the morning sickness was ok, only lasted a few weeks and it was manageable. The second time...I had it nearly the whole time & I thought was going to die cause I couldn't keep anything down
Whew. So I told the Dr. & he had me take phenergan for the nausea and it seemed to help some. Also, the baby is more than likely getting enough nutrients, because he (or she) is taking the best from the vitamins & from what you eat & you get the leftovers lol!

Oh, another thing I just thought of, I also get severe car sickness, so my stepmother gave me some peppermint oil. You can put it under your nose & it helps with the dizziness, and you can put a drop on your tongue every few minutes or so til the worst passes. I've used it for migraines, too. Great stuff. (Of course I'd ask the Doc before using any natural remedies. Better safe than sorry. Cliched but true!)

Hope this passes for you soon! Prayers & (((hugs)))


Well-known member
I've been splitting up my prenatals, I take on during my afternoon meal and one at my night meal . I snack as much as I can through out the day, mostly fruit.. I love the altoid sours! I should try that, haven't had those in a while. I have been sucking on some left over candy canes, and it does seem to help. I should try some peppermint extract, I love peppermint, and natural things. I haven't had my first appointment with my doctor yet. I need to get some insurance established first..

I think I'll call my dad for his ginger tea recipe he makes with fresh ginger, would that help, or would I need to gnaw on the root? I can look it up I suppose..

Thanks for all the great suggestions ladies. I really appreciate it.


Well-known member
congrats!! i ate saltines and the doctor told me i could buy over the counter EMETROL (i think that's how it's spelled). its a liquid and it helps with the nausea. GOOD LUCK!


Well-known member
Congrats on the pregnancy! I never had morning sickness, but I had a midwife who told me not to take ginger while pregnant. She said it may cause miscarriages
You might want to ask a doctor before taking anything. Of course, everyone tells you something different, but I would still ask a doctor. And usually morning sickness clears up by week 12. Oh, and try eating before you take your vitamins because that was the one thing that did upset my stomach. Vitamins on an empty tummy can be harsh. Good luck, and keep us posted. Babies are so exciting


Well-known member
BTW, I forgot to tell you that what helped were my prenatal vitamins. I took ones called PrimaCare, which are split into a morning dose and an evening dose. They really helped, because the morning dose is the gentler one, so you don't feel as sick, and the evening dose is the stronger one so you can sleep through any sickness you might feel.

It seemed to really help, having certain vitamins in the morning, and certain ones at night. Ask your doctor to prescribe PrimaCare, because seriously, they're the only vitamins that worked for me! Plus, they have good amounts of folic acid and they have essential fatty acids, so you can get the benefits of fish without actually eating it (fish is bad during pregnancy because of the mercury content).

That last bit worked for me, since I hate fish anyway, so I needed a source of EFAs that didn't involve consuming nasty ol' fish.


Well-known member
The only thing that helped me where those after dinner mints. I ate a bunch of them in the first month but they work amazing.


Well-known member
talk to your doc. they will know best. No idea why it is called morning sickness bc it is all the time. I could never keep ANYTHING down in the morning before work and would have to eat a little something get sick blah. then eat and I would be okay. For me even smells made me gag/sometimes throw up, I still cannot smell fish or else I start gagging. Good luck and congrats! HOPEFULLY it will get better for you! My sickness stopped around 3 months.


Well-known member
I used ginger tea, peppermint tea, altoids(peppermint), and ginger candy.

If all else fails, TUMS.


Well-known member
In nursing school they told us if the mom has nausea & vomitting really bad, tell her not to drink anything when she eats.

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