Most embarassing:)

f a m o u s

whats your MOST embarssing moment? mine was probably when i laughed so hard that i ACCUALLY pissed myself in grade 7


Well-known member
Probably right now, im at work, started my period, and just went thru my pants..UGH!!!!


Well-known member
In 6th grade, I was standing and talking to my number one crush and I totally farted in front of him!
In 7th grade, I wore my school picture's dress backwards.
In 8th grade, I drew on some eyebrows for my class picture using my mom's black eyeliner.

Middle school was very awkward!


Well-known member
I went to a wedding, and got all excited because I caught the bouquet. Little did I know I had to dance with the guy that caught the garter. I'm NOT a dancer at all, and was mortified. The DJ played that song by the Pussycat Dolls "Dont'cha." This guy had a kid too who came up and danced with us. The whole thing was just awkward and embarrassing. If I would have known catching the bouquet meant dancing...I wouldn't have even tried.


Well-known member
mine happened about 6 months or so ago... i was getting on the bus and it was heavily raining so the bus floor was slippy. because the bus was full i had to stand up squashed against other people whilst trying to hold onto a pole. anyways when the bus went down a big hill at a fast speed i slipped on some water and fell onto the guy in a seat who was sort of behind me. it was an old man and i full on sat on his lap. to make it worse because the floor was slippy, every time i pulled myself up on the pole i slipped back down onto the old man! this happend about 3 times until he pushed my fat ass up!

so yeah... i gave an old man a pole dance on the bus!


Well-known member
I'm really terrified that I haven't had mine yet, because I don't have any stories like that... yet. Or, the other option is I've repressed some elementary school ones and I honestly can't remember.

But, giving an old man an accidental pole/lap dance on the bus is such a great story... I wouldn't mind owning that one to tell at parties =)


Well-known member
This one didn't happen to me, but happened at my house.
I had a pool party a few weeks ago, and everyone was drinking and having a great time. I invited a friend who is known to get a little too wild at parties when drinking (she's a lot of fun though). Everything was great until the end of the night. I was going upstairs and heard a huge crash.
My friend had totally broken our downstairs toilet. How do you break a toilet????? The whole tank, the top of the tank broke, and water gushed out all over the floor. I still don't know how it happened. Thank goodness she wasn't hurt, because that shiz was sharp.
I'm nominating this accident as Angie's most embarrassing moment.


Well-known member
I had a huge crush on this guy in high school. I was really shy though and could never muster up the courage to talk to him. One night I went out with my friends to this club/pool hall. They had invited him and told him that I really liked him. Just as he came in one of my friends spilled the beans to me. I freaked out and all I could think to do was run.... out the back door.... which was also a fire exit... and came equipped with a very loud alarm.... that went off. And he saw the whole thing.

I just wanted to die.
My friends still tease me about it to this day.


Well-known member
At my deb ball a few years ago, there was a dance routine we had to perform in front of all our guests and at the endm y escort and I had to do a grand finale where we did a few twirls and he had to dip me.

We get to that part of the dance, and all eyes are on us.
He starts to dip me and I can FEEL my boobs sliding out of my dress the lower I go. It was humiliating!!! Luckily, he brought me back up before it turned x-rated, but I'm sure the whole thing was caught on tape and all 500 of the people attending got a good view, too!



Well-known member
Ok heres a weird one..but still really embarrassing to me. I dont get embarrassed if i accidentally flash or have a booger in my nose but here goes.

It was a couple years ago and I was working in the county jail up in booking. It was a busy night and a guy came in who was really cute which is a shock. Shit we usually have drunks, tweekers, whores, you know scum of the earth, but this guy was very very handsome, well dressed, clean. So I jump up and get to my intake process. I ask some questions, search them, get them outta the cuffs ect.

Welllll it came down to the part where I ask to take of the shoes...take off their socks and turn em inside out.

I tell the guy " ok now remove your sex ( shoulda said socks lol) and turn them inside out"

LOL he looked up at me with a puzzled look on his face and then kinda chuckled. I was so embarrased and tried to just act like I didnt say it. Haha.Makes me laugh to this day.


Well-known member
Last year, I was at a dance and I was wearing some very tight skinny jeans and a rainbow thong. Well needless to say my pants split from zipper to the top of my ass. Talk about embarrasing. Especially because when they split I was doing that pop, lock and drop it dance so my legs were wide open. It wasn't that bad actually cuz i just kept dancing. I figured id look stupid running out. i did leave shortly after. Now that i think about it i dont embarass easily. still it was pretty bad.


Well-known member
Mine was one day my 7 y/o and I were in Krogers and we were in front of this really large lady that had so much junk food in her cart, lil debbie's galore.........My son kept looking at her and looking at the cart...I was holding my breath thinking OMG what is he thinking or gonna ask me....Then all of a sudden he blurted out....Lady, you need to put all that junk food back and get some veggies, that junk food is gonna make you SOOOOO fat....The lady said, Honey I am already SOOOO fat....he said well yeah but if you eat all those cakes and stuff you are gonna be way wayyyy fatter, Right Mommy? Mommy was under the basket at that time about to die....I kept apologizing to the lady and she said...hey he is telling the truth....I told him on the way to the car to never say stuff like that again it is rude...he said well Mommy you are rude to me all the time then because you say junk food will make me fat when I want cookies...I just said GET IN THE CAR!! I'm telling your dad...which I did and he died laughing....I get no support!!!!


Well-known member
Lol! That reminds me of what was probably my dad's most embarrasing moment. When we were little, my parents used to call fly swatters bum smackers for kicks, and they would joke about smacking us with them if we were bad. We thought this was hilarious. Of course, my dad is out with my older brother (about 4?) in the line at some store, when he points to some fly swatters and goes, "Look Daddy! Bum smackers!" Dad says every one in the line glared at him until they left the store.

But it might also have been the time he was out with my older brother before he could pronounce l's, and pointed at a clock. "Cock Daddy! Cock!"

Or the time that he stuck one of our suction cup toys to his forehead to amuse us, and it gave him a forehead hickey that he had to go to work with the next day.

My poor dad.


Well-known member
I don't have any really good embarrassing moments like some of you guys! I guess that I don't get embarrassed easily because it took me an hour to come up with this one! I cannot physically even blush lol!

Anyways, back in my freshman year in high school we had to learn about Shakespeare, and after reading Romeo and Juliet the teachers decided that all of the freshman needed to know how to do traditional regency dance. :/ So I was partnered up with my best friend, who is so sweet, but so klutzy. So after two hours of small group practice they decided to round up all 200 of us and make us dance together in a big circle. Naturally my partner turned wrong on one of the steps, I ran into him and started this domino effect down a quarter of the circle before people thought to get out of the way. :p


Well-known member
My period leaked onto my chair while I was writing a test when I was 15.
Thank god it was last period of the day.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I was in high school walking home with a bunch of friends that happened to include my latest crush. I was talking to my friend but staring at my crush so I was not paying attention to where I was going. I full on ran into a lampost that knocked me flat on my ass!! The entire group started laughing hysterically and pointing! The only good thing was my crush felt so bad for me he helped me up and we started dating not too long after. Guess there was nowhere to go but up from there.


Well-known member
I do stupid things all the time, so I don't get embarrassed that easily. I also haven't had anything super terrible happen to me yet.

My most recent dumb thing happened at work last week. I went to turn the computer on and nothing happened. We've had some issues with the computer not turning on lately so I went down to the other store to ask for help. The problem was that the computer hadn't finished shutting down properly the night before and since I didn't turn the monitor on I did not know that. Yep, the computer wasn't working because I hadn't turned the monitor on.

I usually turn the monitor on second after I turn the computer on which makes a happy beepy noise and since I didn't hear it I figured it wasn't working. I've started turning the monitor on first when I work in the morning.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
well, I have wayyy too many embarrassing stories, but I don't remember all of them :/ The most recent was accidentally flashing a project manager and 6 of his contractors at a site meeting. I was in a hurry to get to the meeting and didn't realize my button down shirt is too tight and the buttons too loose. So the buttons came undone as I ran up the stairs
. I freakin hate button down shirts

It was not just embarrassing coz I flashed them, it was bad coz I'm like the only woman on my line of work and I worked so hard to gain respect of these men...and now I keep thinking that everytime they see me they'll remember my red lacy bra


Active member
My friend gave my 9th grade crush a homemade valentines day card from me.( since I was too shy), he had a GF and could'nt except it, and we had the same class together all year; I also had to present a project in front of the class the next day and I could tell he was trying to avoid eye contact lol. blaghhh


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shanti
My period leaked onto my chair while I was writing a test when I was 15.
Thank god it was last period of the day.

Ha...period...last period of the day. *giggle* Sorry...I know I'm cheesy...

I think my most embarrassing moment was an aunt flow moment too...I'm too unapologetic for anything else to embarrass me. Anyway, I went to Catholic school as a kid, and we were in the gym for recess, cuz the weather was crap outside, and I got my period out of nowhere...I didn't notice until someone told me there was blood dripping down my leg, and asking if I was ok.
Poop stix. Stupid period.