Most useless brush?


Well-known member
Umm yeah i was wondering...Sometimes there are brushes that are waste of money. But being an artist (with paint and watercolor)...i find that there are some brushes are just useless...

So someone explain to me, exactly WHAT the 207 Duster Brush is for? and if you have any other brushes that have no use for or think that are unneeded...

Oh and just to be a slut, heres a painting i did 3 years ago....


Hmm i like the just breaking out into painting faces like in America's Next Top Model...sooo yeah...trying to intergrate the two mediums.


Well-known member
can't really help with your brush question, but daaamn... your painting kicks my painting's ass... totally! hahaha =P it looks great!


Well-known member
Well I think my trainer told me the #207 is supposed to be used to dust off excess powder or glitter that falls. But I have seen some MUAs use it to apply glitter that is in a gel form. I barely use mine, I must have bought it cuz it looked cool. 8)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantMAKEUPmyMIND
I hate the 224 brush. I got it in a kit and I've used it like, once. I hate it!!! *evil eye*

I love this brush. I use it everyday for e/s application and blending.