Moved from Bathroom to Bedroom! Pix thumbnailed!


Active member
I decided that keeping my make up in the bathroom in a six set of little drawers was driving me three kinds of crazy so I moved it to the bedroom. Now, my room doesn't have much in the way of decent lighting so I grabbed a desk light and put it on the TV bracket that I don't use.

I realised I needed some more space drawerswise so I nicked out to the Warehouse and got there just before they closed to snaffle the green drawers at AU$14 for the set of six each. They're stackable, whether you want to remove the green lid (I did) or not and you can unclick to get individual drawers or make sets of two or whatever.

It was a pretty big jump from the mess before - I had stuff all over that dresser and it looked atrocious! Plus I rarely spent more than five minutes on my makeup coz I couldn't really see my stuff because it was on a shelf up high.

Anyway, my collection is pretty small at the moment, I did a huge clean out late last year and gave what I didn't use/need to my two MA friends in Sydney so they loved me forever because I basically sent them a postage box chock full of goodies that had been used approximately once.

PLUS, thanks to Specktra, I created my own Sephora inspired brush holder with a vase that I got as a gift and just LOVED and some long grain rice that I won't eat (mainly because I got four wisdom teeth out on Monday). I was thinking about dying the rice seeing as I have heaps of food dyes but I might just get some lace for the vase instead.

This new set up is as good as it gets for now, I'm dying to move into my own place and get a great vanity set up going on with light bars but it will have to wait!

Feel free to ask what's what, it's a bit of a mess in there!