Movie theatre etiquette


Well-known member
I usually DO NOT see movies at 7 o'clock on opening night because of rude obnoxious people in the theatre, but I actually went last night to the opening of 1408. and I probably won't do that again.
I swear people need to follow some simple ass rules so EVERYONE can enjoy the movie they paid to see.

1. Don't freaking TALK during the movie. I don't need a running commentary, I can see what's going on. Or don't shout something at the screen. This isn't your living room. Keep it to a whisper, thanks.

2. Don't kick the seat in front of you when someone is sitting there!

3. Silence your cell phone! there are plenty of warnings to do so before the movie..

4. Ok, I am a mother and I wouldn't want to annoy someone with my child crying in the theatre, so why bring your kid?
No babysitter? Rent a movie instead.

5. Throw away your food, napkins, cups etc. Would you leave that shit on a friend's floor? or your own? no.

6. Pee before the movie. Small bladder? sit on the aisle. pleeeeaaaseeee


Well-known member
Originally Posted by triccc
I usually DO NOT see movies at 7 o'clock on opening night because of rude obnoxious people in the theatre, but I actually went last night to the opening of 1408. and I probably won't do that again.
I swear people need to follow some simple ass rules so EVERYONE can enjoy the movie they paid to see.

1. Don't freaking TALK during the movie. I don't need a running commentary, I can see what's going on. Or don't shout something at the screen. This isn't your living room. Keep it to a whisper, thanks.

2. Don't kick the seat in front of you when someone is sitting there!

3. Silence your cell phone! there are plenty of warnings to do so before the movie..

4. Ok, I am a mother and I wouldn't want to annoy someone with my child crying in the theatre, so why bring your kid?
No babysitter? Rent a movie instead.

5. Throw away your food, napkins, cups etc. Would you leave that shit on a friend's floor? or your own? no.

6. Pee before the movie. Small bladder? sit on the aisle. pleeeeaaaseeee

You've pretty much summed up why I rarely go to the movies anymore...unless it's 2:00 pm on a weekday...:confused:


Well-known member
Ugh I know! I'm generally not a movie person, but recently my bf & I have been seeing a ton of movies (all on opening weekend too-ugh).

When we went to see Pirates 3 we sat in front of 4 super geeks & the "king of the goths" & his entourage (the guy who owns the year-round Halloween store & the adjacent goth store in the east village & about 20 people who follow his every move)

The Super Geeks practically creamed themselves when they saw the Star Wars stamps during the previews & then proceeded to ruin one of the best movie intros ever by saying "Best intro ever"-Grrrrr!


Well-known member
Sit down, turn your phone off and STFU. Seriously, it's not that difficult.

This is why I see movies at 2 in the afternoon on a weekday (and only if the film has been out for at least two weeks) - it's the only way to watch a movie and actually able to, y'know, watch it.


Well-known member
my theatre peeve

DO NOT HOLD your Bag of potato chips/candy right in back of my head and attempt opening it. Then make sure that you are as loud as you can be while eating them too, Because its absolutely necessary to smash the whole bag as you are eating the contents.


Well-known member
To add to comment #2. When I have nicely informed you that your young tike is kicking the back of my seat, please don't say, "Oh, I'm sorry" and let him keep doing it agian. And again. And again.


Well-known member
I can't stand when people just leave their garbage. So the million trash cans that line every exit were not convient enough for you? Grrrr...... People are such pigs sometimes!!


Well-known member
Ah! I'm with you on ALL of this.

Also, I'm not a parent, but why do people bring in babies/young children to a movie for adults? Especially a scary/gorey movie. Personally, I don't think little kids should be in a theatre EVER. Its way too loud, too much going on, they have a short attention span, get fussy, etc. Not only does this affect the parent (although sometimes the parents can't be bothered) this ruins the movie for the whole theatre! Yes, we hear your kid screaming.. can you take him outside? Why is he here in the first place? I'd let something like Shrek pass I guess, but honestly, there should be a rule against anything else other than rated G. I've seen parents take babies to Hostel/Saw II type movies. Get a sitter or stay home.

/End rant! Sorry, can you tell I went to the movies today? hahahaaa


Well-known member
This is why I stopped going to the movies
I always get caught with a kicker, or someone who eats his gum too loud

I prefer renting a movie, or else I'll get mad


Well-known member
Great Threat! I went this past wednesday to the movie theater to watch "Ocean's thirteen".. and what this 4 "kids" (and I say "kids" because they were around 16/17 years old but they were acting like ones) were playing "hide & seek"... can you imagine? on top of that , they started to play some loud hip hop music in one of their cells!!!!! are you f^&^%&%# serious??? somebody had to go and tell them to shut up! and the rest of us were clapping.. so funny.. but anyway someone called the management and they took care of it..

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
So many people treat every movie like it's Rocky Horror, the only movie it's appropriate to shout stuff, throw things, and behave like that.


Well-known member
I went to the movies last night, and I found another Theatre Peeve. .. Text messaging on your cell phones. These kids were all text messaging on their phones and its extremely distracting while watching a movie. The screens are so bright I cant concentrate on anything else !


Well-known member
Ohhh how I do love this topic. I'm with you on all of them. I am a "small bladder" victim, but I do sit on an aisle seat. One of my biggest pet people forget how to eat in a theater? :confused::confused: Seriously....why do I have to hear every crackle of your popcorn, from the time it hits your lips to the time you finish it? Dammit close your mouth! The thought of hearing that loud, obnoxious eating during the whole movie, knowing that you have just started your popcorn, makes me nauseous. CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!!


Well-known member
Ugh just got back from seeing 1408 - it is a really big hit or miss on whether theater attendants are going to behave that day. I love Austin's 18 and up only theater (no exceptions even with parents) because it takes care of some of the problems.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by triccc
I usually DO NOT see movies at 7 o'clock on opening night because of rude obnoxious people in the theatre, but I actually went last night to the opening of 1408. and I probably won't do that again.
I swear people need to follow some simple ass rules so EVERYONE can enjoy the movie they paid to see.

1. Don't freaking TALK during the movie. I don't need a running commentary, I can see what's going on. Or don't shout something at the screen. This isn't your living room. Keep it to a whisper, thanks.

2. Don't kick the seat in front of you when someone is sitting there!

3. Silence your cell phone! there are plenty of warnings to do so before the movie..

4. Ok, I am a mother and I wouldn't want to annoy someone with my child crying in the theatre, so why bring your kid?
No babysitter? Rent a movie instead.

5. Throw away your food, napkins, cups etc. Would you leave that shit on a friend's floor? or your own? no.

6. Pee before the movie. Small bladder? sit on the aisle. pleeeeaaaseeee

I couldn't agree with you more honey!

I made the mistake of seeing a movie on Valentine's Day. You would think everyone would be going out to eat, WRONG. Everyone was at the Movies 15 where I live. My boyfriend and I sat in the back row all the way at the top and halfway through the movie, this annoying group of preteens came in and sat next to us. They talked the entire time, played with their cell phones and kicked the backs of each others seats. I finally said, "Shut the f*ck up, I'm trying to watch the movie!" That shit is so annoying, that's why I hate going to the movies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
The worst is the price of movies is so absurdly high to pay for that kind of behavior

OH I agree! Sometimes we spend nearly 20 bucks at the movies if we have to buy pre-show tickets online.


Well-known member
oh word. i hate going to the movies for all those same reasons. i hate it when you go to see a horror flick and someone has their little kid with them and it starts screaming as soon as it sees blood...i'm like "why would you bring your child to a movie like this, man?!" they have ratings for a reason...sheeebus.


Active member
I definitely agree with all of these. I used to see movies all the time but every time I go I sit in front of someone that likes to kick the seats and it makes me want to turn around and kick them I get so angry. You pretty much summed it up!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I go to the movie a lot and every now and again i get someone kicking my seat, i really dont like it lol, i turn around and glare at them (i can copy my dad's glare lol) and they stop for a bit then they carry on kicking so my dad has a word with the person kicking me and they stop

usually after the cinema i see the kicker and i say something mean to them in sign langauge lol and its funny to see them confused.

i must admit i kick chairs a lot BUT only if no one's in front of me or in that row