MSFN for contouring?


Well-known member
I did a mac chat this evening. I wanted a recommendation for a contour or shading product. the MA suggested MSFN in deep dark. I always thought that contour shades were supossed to be matte. I was especially interested in contouring my nose. IMO MSFN has a slight glittery appearance or at least mine does. What do you all think? Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Try using a matte brown (of your choice e/s).
Matte bronzer (bobbi brown).
MAC Blunt blush has a reddish cast on my skin I wouldn't use it, people use that for contouring.

or go to your local CCO store you may find (the duos, emote, harmony etc).


Well-known member
A MAC MA suggested MSFN Dark for me and I didn't like it. It was matte but way too orange. I went back and my fav. MA was working that day and he recommended Harmony blush. I've heard a lot about the Sculpt and Shape ones. I've seen them at every CCO I've been to. Depending on your skintone, you can try blunt blush. HTH!