MU Artistry Textbooks


Well-known member
I am interested in purchasing some text books to help further my "self taught" education. Were there any textbooks that you would recommend? Anything you found particularly helpful? Any help and input is always appreciated.


Well-known member
All of Kevyn Aucoin's books are phenominal. There are 3 instructional/portfolio-like books titled as follows:

The Art of Makeup
Making Faces
Face Foward

There is also a 4th book which is a tribute to Kevyn titled: Kevyn Aucoin: A Beautiful Life, but it's not as informative on technique but a great book if you admired him as an artist, as many of us do.


Well-known member
MUD has their set of books. The Corson books are also industry standards, espcially for theatre. It depends greatly what aspect of makeup you are looking to work in, to what books you should read.