MUFE HD powder or laura merciers translucent powder???


Well-known member
Hi guys, I am wanting to get a beautiful fine milled powder and Im tossing up between MUFE HD, Laura Merciers or chanels??.. I just want something really nice and that has a nice highlighting feel to it to make the skin glow without looking chalky or too shimmery.. Thanks


Well-known member
I have actually used both... IMHO, I would go with MUFE HD. It's consistency is very fine, and it truly 'disappears' into the skin much better than LM. HTH!


Active member
how does MUFE HD compare with BE Mineral veil? i read somewhere it's almost the same stuff and I'm running out of my BE mineral veil and i LOVE IT! but i never buy anything twice (unless i LOVE LOVE LOVE it and have never found nething better than it. which hasnt happened so far) so i was looking into the MUFE HD or the MAC msf natural. which one do you think i should get? how do their finishes look like?? thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pammy35
thanks so much.. Has anyone tried the nars sparkling loose powder??

I have, it is very pretty for going out, but it is pretty shimmery. I mainly use it just on the cheekbones to highlight and never use it as a setting powder. I agree with everyone else. Although the LM powder is very nice, the MUFE one is a lot better.