MUFE Star Powders


Well-known member
So I bought some star powders by MUFE yesterday (The bright orange one, and a goldish green one) And they are TOTALLY hard to open without losing product because of the little holes (I threw out the plastic thing that covered them because I figured they were just to be thrown out?) Is there any way to like take out that plastic piece with the holes (the sifter I guess?) I havent tried yet, because most of my star powders are on top of the sifter, and everytime I open my jar, a bit falls out. It's just really frustrating, because of how much they cost! Help!
And I'd kinda like to keep using the jars instead of using sample jars if that's too hard to ask. Rawr!


Well-known member
You can pull sifters out, using tweezers, very carefully.

Do you keep these in your purse, or otherwise loose in a bag where they rumble around? It's very odd for star powders to collect above the sifter in large quantities like that unless they are in that sort of situation. Usually I just invert mine, tap once or twice gently, and get the perfect amount of product in the upper portion. If you keep them in a rolling around with other stuff situaiton, you can re-cover the sifter holes with a piece of cellophane tape and either cover them entirely when not in use, or cover all but one or two holes.

I've been using star powders for ages and never had this problem, so I'm uncertain what situation caused the majority of the product to collect atop the sifter.


Well-known member
It's probably because after I bought them, I opened them when I was in the food court with my friend :p And it was just kinda in my bag all day, bouncing around.

But now since I have it at home, when I'm not using it, it'll just stay in my traincase, so it's not going to be upside down and stuff, lol.

I'll try the tweezer thing though, thanks!


Well-known member
Thanks Martygreene <3 I got the sifters out perfectly with my tweezers
First I tapped out all the product on top of the sifters onto the inside of the lid, then i pried the sifter off, and scraped the extra pigment back into the jar, and put everything on the bottom.



Well-known member
Yup, it was the rolling around in the bag that did it. You could even pop the sifters back in, it really does help keep the product more managable I find, since their rolling-around days are done. If ever you have to travel with them, just put a piece of cellophane tape over the holes in the sifter before packing them.