must gets from macpro?


the bf is getting me a few things from macpro for my bday present, i can have about 4 to 5 things (at a push 6
i just wanted some recs on what i should get since im a newbie to mac

right now ive comeup with
1/ fleshpot l/s
2/sculpting powder in sculpt (tho im in the process of swapping for this in the half pan, should i go for the full pan? is the highlight powder any good?)
3/ maybe getting a blush palette with a sculpt powder refill and a couple of blushes and then filling them later?
4/Im wanting to build my mac brush arsenal, right now ive got mostly face brushes (109, 165) and 2 eye brushes (217, 226)-(as well as the 188, 187, 138 brushes coming in the mail from ACW
)im not really into the boring dupable brushes (like the 239 or the blusher brushes)-any recs in this department?
5/ oh and how can i forgot, ive been so excited since i found out about lip erase, im so getting one!

i am so stupidly excited and overwhelmed by free macpro stuffies x3
(btw, there isnt a macpro near me so i cant swatch anything )
thankyou kindly for reading this <3