My $200 "skipped class to go shopping" haul


Well-known member
Ooohhh....Lots of great staples!! All of those colors are among MAC addicts' favorites! Good job! You can do be-uuuu-tiful combinations w/ Amberlights, Honey Lust, and Cranberry..Now you HAVE TO get Coppering...all those colors would look wonderful w/ Coppering! (Honey Lust is actually one of my very faves. Some gals don't like Lustre formulas, but I love 'em).

Good job!

Enjoy your great new stuff!


Active member
Thanks gals!! Most of the stuff I got is all thanks to you specktra girls!! Yvette, I do have coppering, so I'll have to play with em!! This is gonna be so much fun hehehe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by electrostars
i love skipping class to go mac shopping. XD
I did that today. hehehe!

You are all girls after my own heart.