MY BarBie HauL :D


Well-known member
mineralize satin finish nc42
dont be shy blush
springtime skipper e/s
moth brown e/s (SO PRETTY IRL)
beautyburst e/s (way prettier irl again!)
playful e/s

i am debating the sweet n single l/s b/c i hav so many pale pinks.. but it's kinda purple what to do i'm torn! and broke

love the collection tho. i wanna go back n pick up the mini bag


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purplkaret
mineralize satin finish nc42
dont be shy blush
springtime skipper e/s
moth brown e/s (SO PRETTY IRL)
beautyburst e/s (way prettier irl again!)
playful e/s

i am debating the sweet n single l/s b/c i hav so many pale pinks.. but it's kinda purple what to do i'm torn! and broke

love the collection tho. i wanna go back n pick up the mini bag

^^ Girl, you better pick up what you want soon-- who knows how long it's going to last in the stores, if the infamous doll is any indication