My 'British cultural references' FOTD (Cheryl Cole's makeup)


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The Plan

NB - superscript numbers are footnotes to explain the Anglicisms - references at the bottom!

I decided to do this FOTD for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I was watching a programme on Cheryl Cole¹ the other day and was struck by how many of the presenters seemed convinced that she was a natural beauty. Now, undoubtedly the girl is gorgeous, but she piles it on with a trowel. I mean, the Daily Mail² (not the most reliable of sources, but hey ho) guesstimated she'd spent £250,000³ on her looks. That's a lot of money, even if you are rolling in it. So, after going to Wilkinsons⁴ yesterday (to pick up some curtain hooks) I spied some 'glamour lashes' for 97p. 97p! Well, I had to have them, and trying a look modelled on Chezza seemed to be a good way to try them out...

This is the image I'm using for inspiration: X-Factor

The Results






- Blacktrack fluidline is great for using with falsies! I usually do 50s flicks for eyeliner, for which liquid works much better, but I really ought to use blacktrack more often. It's much more smudgeable.

- I think this worked OK. But I look more Jenna Jameson than Cheryl Cole because my colouring really isn't right for this. But I look SO different to how I do normally, so I think it would totally be possible to have a dramatic impact on someone with darker skin. It really makes me wonder what she looks like without all the slap. (Something like this, presumably).

- Just to prove how much makeup I actually used...yuck!

What I used

- EL Doublewear in Shell (applied with fingers and buffed with a crown syntho power blush - I used about twice as much as usual!)
- NW15 studiofix (used as a setting powder with 150 - with a trowel, remember)
- Select cover up concealer (with crown crease brush, lots under eyes)
- Trace gold blush (187, all over cheeks)
- Perfect topping MSF (cheeks, high places of face, 187 again)

- Blacktrack Fluidline (with an art store bought flat liner)
- Smoulder Kohl
- Wilkos 97p lashes (with MUFE glue)
- Zoomlash mascara
- Fling on brows

- Creme de la femme (no liner, since I'm pretty sure she skips it)
- Some mystery Boots no.7 gloss


1. British girl band star discovered on the first pop idol, and is loved by the media for her rags-to-riches origins. Went on to marry a total douche of a footballer. Currently on the panel for the X-Factor (our version of American Idol where Simon Cowell gets paid a lot to be horrible to people), where she mostly spends her time providing a counterpoint to Simon by being super nice and weeping a lot. Also known for mangling her vowels on L'Oreal adverts.

2. Really awful right wing newspaper determined to prove that everything causes cancer, but it does have a good showbiz section.

3. That's $400,000 in proper money.

4. Wilkinsons is a hardware store that also sells a bizarre assortment of cosmetics, home decor, lawnmowers, tinsel, bathtowels, etc etc. I suspect it's the British version of Wallmart?

Candy Christ

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilexica

4. Wilkinsons is a hardware store that also sells a bizarre assortment of cosmetics, home decor, lawnmowers, tinsel, bathtowels, etc etc. I suspect it's the British version of Wallmart?

That's so true, I seriously laughed so hard when I read that. I reallly love this look, your cheeks are like perfect!


Well-known member
Really pretty look! I know what you mean about the "natural beauty" being lots and lots of makeup in reality. It's the times when I feel like I have put on way too much makeup, that I turn up really "naturally pretty" in pictures, and it's always such an "Aha"-moment.


Active member
you look gorgeous!!!! hahaha, i love all the inclusions of Cheryl Cole that you've included in the post!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
Really pretty look! I know what you mean about the "natural beauty" being lots and lots of makeup in reality. It's the times when I feel like I have put on way too much makeup, that I turn up really "naturally pretty" in pictures, and it's always such an "Aha"-moment.

I think that's an interesting point. Photographs can be so distorting. It probably sounds stupid but I almost feel guilty about it. When I'm doing bright eyes or lips, it's flipping obvious I'm wearing makeup so I don't feel as though I'm conning anyone into thinking that's how I really look. But with the made-up 'natural' look, I worry that people do think it's all me. Mostly my male friends, who really do seem to think that every female rolls out of bed looking polished and sleek with bouncy hair, defined eyes, and glowing skin, (and yet prefer women who 'don't wear makeup' and are 'naturally beautiful').

I also find it frustrating that the media perpetuates this notion of natural beauty always being natural. They constantly stick pictures of celebrities in front of us and coo over how naturally beautiful they are, when they're using all the tricks in the book (particularly given that looking 'natural' in photographs usually requires very unnatural means!). I think it's great when people try to look the best they can (and feel good about it) but it peeves me that people who should know better, and be less gullible, fall for it. And thus make other women feel bad in the process because they think that look is unattainable to mere mortals when in most cases it isn't, if you're willing to put in the work.

Ah, irrational guilt about 'conning' people because I'm not wearing fuchsia-pink lipstick and blue eyeshadow. Only in a makeup community!


Well-known member
You look gorgeous! You did a great job recreating the look!

Anddddd that was the funniest and most enjoyable FOTD (and footnotes) I have read in a while!


Well-known member
In print and on TV, make-up almost HAS TO be plastered on. Studio lights are never kind. However, photoshop is! I've done make-up for quite a few shoots and 'Oh don't worry, we can photoshop it out.' always comes up. So yes, it's weird how the medias idea of natural beauty is actually beauty in its fakest form.

ANYWAY! Pretty look, and you're 10x prettier than Cheryl Cole!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilexica
I think that's an interesting point. Photographs can be so distorting. It probably sounds stupid but I almost feel guilty about it. When I'm doing bright eyes or lips, it's flipping obvious I'm wearing makeup so I don't feel as though I'm conning anyone into thinking that's how I really look. But with the made-up 'natural' look, I worry that people do think it's all me. Mostly my male friends, who really do seem to think that every female rolls out of bed looking polished and sleek with bouncy hair, defined eyes, and glowing skin, (and yet prefer women who 'don't wear makeup' and are 'naturally beautiful').

I also find it frustrating that the media perpetuates this notion of natural beauty always being natural. They constantly stick pictures of celebrities in front of us and coo over how naturally beautiful they are, when they're using all the tricks in the book (particularly given that looking 'natural' in photographs usually requires very unnatural means!). I think it's great when people try to look the best they can (and feel good about it) but it peeves me that people who should know better, and be less gullible, fall for it. And thus make other women feel bad in the process because they think that look is unattainable to mere mortals when in most cases it isn't, if you're willing to put in the work.

Ah, irrational guilt about 'conning' people because I'm not wearing fuchsia-pink lipstick and blue eyeshadow. Only in a makeup community!

i totally understand where you are coming from. my bf knows i love makeup and i have a lot of it and the longer he's with me, it changes from "your makeup is medium" to "your makeup is loaded" while he compares me to other girls who are "natural" just cuz he has no idea what those "natural" girls do to themselves to look that way. i also think a lot of men think women role out of bed looking perfect maybe some can, but i certainly cannot.

and i think the fact that he knows i own a crapload of mac alters his judgement about me. most people in the world are not fortunate enough to have perfect skin for their whole lives. on days where i have only foundation and a gloss on he still says im unnatural
well sorry sir, i don't want to stop cars with my acne scars.


Well-known member
3 words: This is lovely! ;-) To be honest, I don't like Cheryl Cole but I can't stop listening to her stunning song "3 words" feat. But you're absolutely right, it's ridiculous that vip.'s get an excessively expensive beauty treatment though a cheaper one could be much more effective. Anyways, I deffo like your way of doing the CCs make up look a lot. Thumbs up!!!