My experience of a MAC lesson


Well-known member
That is a cool experience! Typically we try not to link a blog post to a regular post and make that the post essentially. Feel free to put the link to your blog in your siggy though! If you want to copy and paste one of your blog posts, wait until you post it on your blog and then take it to copy and paste. You don't need to even worry about the coding!

Here is the blog post word for word, click on her link to see the pictures!

"So today I had my free lesson at MAC (it was free because the MA was being assessed to gain the certificate to do these lessons permanently. For those of you who are interested this was done at the MAC counter in Selfridges, Birmingham.

Currently you can already get these lessons in the U.S. but they are being bought to the U.K. in the spring. These lessons last an hour and a half and are £50 (which is fully redeemable against products).

So, to explain a bit about what happens in these lessons. You pick what you'd look you want to create in the lessons (I picked a black smokey eye look) then the MA will demonstrate what they are doing on one half or your face and then you get to do the other. I enjoyed the lesson but didn't really learn too much. I mainly learnt about the application of blush and how to hold my brushes better to help blending.

You also get a facechart of the look which I think is super pretty!

What I did find helpful is that the MA used some of the products I already have, whether this was because it was free and I didn't have to buy anything I don't know, but I liked this)

Overall: I'd definitely recommend one of these if you know you're going to spend £50 anyway and would maybe like some new ideas on how to wear a product or would like to improve your technique."


Well-known member
well i think it's great that these lessons are cocming to the uk! and as you say it's good if you know you will be spending £50 on products anyways. i think like yourself i would be more ineterested in the brushes and using them in different ways more than anything else!

and yes as the above poster says we don't tend to link staright to blog posts but if you put it in your signiture then lots of people will click and take a look at your blog
i'm always checking out the blogs of members on here!