My First Fotd greens n browns


Well-known member
ok i just want opinions on color i dont have anything on besides the e/s and base but no mascara e/l etc... =) and please ignore my face it looks HORRIBLE!! bad angle for the face but I was finally able to get a good clean pic of my eye! BE KIND!!!!




Browns two different looks:



oh from the two different looks from each color which do you guys liek better?

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I like the browns on your skintone. Maybe try an eyeshadow base (if you didn't) to make the colors more vibrant and less sheer...unless again, that was your desired effect.
But, the blending is very nice!


Well-known member
thanks =) you know I did you a base on both on browns I used beig-ing shadestick and on the greens I used stilife paint. for some reason the browns dont POP that much even with the base =(

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I don't really like shadesticks as bases, I like a combo of paint and a nude cream color base. the color really sticks to the cream color base and the paint makes it not crease.
maybe it's just the lighting then. my camera washes out color also


Well-known member
Personally i think the shadesticks suck as bases, colors dont stick for me. I use paints and the prep + prime eye in medium and the e/s stay like a dream! And the colors often pop more with the p+p.

Awsome blending! You're on ur way to a great start. I like the browns on you.


Well-known member
thanks Ive been doing this for a while I just never get around to posting anything. but getting feed back is always great =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BaDaSs llTiNall
your blending is great ...maybe try with eyeliner and mascara

haha ya I do these really late usually cuz I cant sleep and its easier to just wash off e/s alone n tougher with mascara!