My first FOTD.


Well-known member
I'm new here. This is from the other day, I think it turned out pretty well. I hope no one minds the extreme photographic angle.


MAC NC20 Studio Fix
NARS "Orgasm" Blush
Lancome Hypnose Mascara
Eyeshadows are a junky no-name stackable of 12 pink eye shadows
Lips are just done in a simple chap stick, as I never leave them naked.

Please don't be too harsh guys.


Well-known member
The angle is quite nice...cant really tell how your makeup looks...But your lashes are CRAZY!! so fabulous!


Well-known member
it's a little difficult to see the make up application, but it could just be me
you lashes are to die for!!

i hope you keep posting though, i'm eager to see more of your fotds


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gemma Shields
Have you had semi-permanent lashes applied?

No. These are actually all natural + 2 coats of Lancome mascara.

It's a blessing 9 times out of 10. The 1 time being that most mascaras just clump them.

My SO claims that I'm part camel... lol.