My first FOTD


Well-known member
Please excuse the quality, I am still not great at taking pictures of make up, also this was taken after a day of wearing the look so its a bit tired. I wore the eye make up to an interview and had bought the lip products to cheer myself up with after the interview so decided to have a play around.

Face - all mac
Studio fix fluid NW15
Moisture select concealer NW15
Melba blush

Eyes - from the UD naked palette
Naked all over lid
Buck in the crease
Virgin as highlight
White pencil in inner corner
Sin over the white pencil in inner corner
Hustle to deepen the crease slightly
Bobbi brown gel eyeliner
Whisky eye pencil on water line
Mac concrete to fill in brows

Heartless l/s
Wicked Way l/g



Well-known member
Thank you everyone this is so lovely and encouraging! I'm a big fan of beauty/neutral make up so my looks do tend to be on the simple side.