My First Time-At the MAC counter


I've recently gotten into mid and high end cosmetics and since I've heard such great things about MAC, I decided to start there. I have pretty much no experience with going to counters, so I really didn't know what to expect.
Or...maybe my expectations were too high.
Well, I was getting ignored pretty bad when I got there, but I just chalked it up to the MA's being busy and maybe stressed. I wanted to see what color Studio Fix they recommended. The lighting was really bad and I felt a little intimidated being new and all.
When I finally flagged one down, I asked if she could help me pick out the right color Studio Fix. She gave me a blank stare, as if I was speaking a different language. Still looking puzzled she asked, Which one do you want? Again, I said I was interested in the Studio Fix and needed to know which one was my color. She just shruggs and asks me to pick which one I think. This is where I get confused
. When going to a mu counter, isn't the person supossed to help you find the right color? Am I wrong in thinking that's what they do?
So, I really don't know what I'm this point, my face is blushing. Embarassed, I just grab one and she takes it from me. Swipes a little on the corner of my face and tells me that if I like it, then that's my color. And she acted totally pissed/confused that I even asked her to help me.

Did I do something wrong? Was I stupid to ask for help instead of just putting some on? The mall I went to is the only one within a 50 mile radius of the area, so EVERYONE goes there and there was no room for me to stand around trying to check myself out and see if I had the right color. I have lots of respect for mu artists, but I don't think this is the way it should have gone.


Well-known member
haha you dont by any chance live in Ventura CA do you!? I get that treatment at our mac ALL the time!! I hate when they ask you what you want when you tell them you want there help.. HELLO your the professional you tell ME! im sorry that you had to go thru that. Unfortunatly MAC is notorious for this attitude.. ( no offense to any MAs here that work for mac! im sure yall are dolls . some arent though!) Ive heard manny people complain about the service at mac..


Well-known member
i really hate it at counters too. the MAs always make me feel like im invisible or something. and they never even check up on you when u dont get help. it justs gets me so mad. thats why i hate it at counter cus everyone seems like a .. u know what i mean. but the best experience i had was at the pro store because once you walk in someone greets you and helps you as for counters it takes like 10-20 minutes to get a MAs attention.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Luscious
When I finally flagged one down, I asked if she could help me pick out the right color Studio Fix. She gave me a blank stare, as if I was speaking a different language. Still looking puzzled she asked, Which one do you want? Again, I said I was interested in the Studio Fix and needed to know which one was my color.

Possibly she was asking if you wanted the powder or the fluid.


Well-known member
man, i've gotten that treatment at my MAC counter before and it pisses me off to no end. the mall i go to used to have two MAC counters and they just turned it into one, so now there's 2x the people in half the space, it sucks. i've seriously waited there for 30+ minutes before. and it's frustrating, because i'll be sitting here, ready willing and able to drop $100+ on the stuff, and they get all snotty.

but i have to admit that there are some incredibly sweet MAs at my counter

this is going to sound mean, but i really do think that alot of MAs give you more attitude if they don't think you're going to spend much. i know, i've walked in there before in my PJs and barely any makeup and i get the shittiest service ever, but if i walk in there all dressed with my hair and makeup looking sharp, they'll bend over backwards to help me. of course, these are the bad MAs, i want to go on record saying that NOT ALL MAs ARE LIKE THAT...just the crappy ones hahaha


Well-known member
snap same here - now I only go when its quite and when my favourite MA is around as she spends ages with me trying different colours...mind you I always end up spending a small fortune that way LOL last week I went in to get 2 eyeshadows and came out with 4, a blush and a lip varnish ooops!


Well-known member
That's why I advise when you find a good MA, call ahead. I've done this before and the person even sounded snotty on the phone because I was asking for the MA I liked and when she would be in. Of course I missed her and got OK service from another person who skipped me and another lady she was supposed to do a makeover on to go help one of her "regular" customers. What she didn't know was that I was a "regular" at the counter (the other MA did but she has a snotty attitude). So, when you do finally find one (and there are some good ones) don't let them go!


Well-known member
The people at my counter act the same way. I went and bought some Studio Fix, and the MA acted like he was in a hurry and there was nobody really at the counter. I thought maybe he was just busy or something. Nope, the second time I went the same thing. Even when I was just looking, nobody asked if I needed help or anything. I don't know what these people's problems are.


Well-known member
That's horrible, it's the MA's job to explain their product (like she should have explained the different types of Studio Fixes they carry, not look at you like there's something wrong with you for not knowing). This is why i get such anxiety before going to the counters, its always a crapshoot in terms of what kind of service you are going to get. (Thought that being said, I've really had nothing but good experiences at my local MAC counter so far) If you remember her name by any chance, I'd complain to MAC about the lousy service.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by IslandGirl77
The people at my counter act the same way. I went and bought some Studio Fix, and the MA acted like he was in a hurry and there was nobody really at the counter. I thought maybe he was just busy or something. Nope, the second time I went the same thing. Even when I was just looking, nobody asked if I needed help or anything. I don't know what these people's problems are.

gee whats up with that! there only mua not the second comeing of christ cant they leave there snotty attitudes at home or in the car


Originally Posted by lara
Possibly she was asking if you wanted the powder or the fluid.

Yes, I guess that's possible. But I didn't even know that! LOL. I think maybe she should have asked if I had ever been there to find out how much knowledge I had. All I've picked up from reading here so far is that most people use Studio Fix, so that was all I knew to ask for.
I'm sure that there are as many or more sweet mua's at the counters. And I'm sure most of them are knowledgeable and helpful. But since that was my very first time going, I'm not as likely to go back now and buy something. I didn't feel comforable at all buying something that day. Why in the world would I buy something if she didn't even tell me if it looked good on me?:confused:
Remember, I just picked a random color and she told me to go with it. I wanted her to go through the colors, maybe put a few stripes of a diff. color on, and then tell me which looked closest.
I didn't feel comfortable doing that myself, because event though they didn't come to help me, they did stare at me like I'm gonna steal something, or like I'm just there putting it on, so I can do my mu before the prom or something.
Oh well. I guess I learned my lesson. It's just too bad the company will suffer and lose money when people like me get treated that way, and I don't end up buying something.

I think I will learn more from coming here and reading posts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
gee whats up with that! there only mua not the second comeing of christ cant they leave there snotty attitudes at home or in the car

LOL...I have no idea, but that's how it goes everytime I go there. I wish we had more than one counter in this city! A store..something!!! LOL

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
That really sucks. Definitely you shouldn't have been treated like that.

I've never had a bad experience at the counter or a store though. I guess the manager just did an amazing job with hiring.


Well-known member
Call the MGR at the mac counter and tell them exactly what happened. that is UNEXCUSABLE. The MA's are supposed to help you.

Then next time you go demand you speak to the person in charge.

I know its your first time at a counter but that is beyond belief of how rude she treated you. YOU DO NOT DESERVE THAT BAD TREATMENT!


Well-known member
Aside from her being unprofessional, it also sounds like she just didn't have that much skill or confidence as a makeup artist. My guess is that she covers up that insecurity with attitude. I worked with a girl who just like that. Oh oh oh so many times I wanted to just fling a #129 brush at her head. No, something bigger, like a #150. Anyway...
back on topic:

I am sorry you had a shitty experience. Next time you go, try to go when it is a quieter time. Then when you are waiting, observe the MAs. Look for one who deals with customers well and creates looks that you like. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll go fling a #150 brush at her.


Well-known member
MAC Whore was right on....I love helping people find the right foundation (I am ALL about the right color...I could care less how great the eyes look...if the foundation is off, then the whole look goes to hell)....find an MA that does work that looks like you and head right over to her/him...good luck and don't get discouraged by rude, snotty people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Possibly she was asking if you wanted the powder or the fluid.

True, but from the story it sounds like she was pretty abrasive and unclear and unhelpful and just a snot.

I'm so lucky to live in Winnipeg. All the MAs here are so nice and helpful. They love to chat with customers and joke around too
Trust me Luscious, it's not you, it's just that her thong is too tight.


Well-known member
this sounds weird..but sometimes I feel dumb when I go

like i went to one and asked what color eyeshadow would "pop" on me..and the girl stared at me for a good 30 seconds and then was like " well what color do you want??"..i was like " i dont know" and shes like " ok call me back when you do know" ..i dont know ..i just felt dumb lol


Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Oh oh oh so many times I wanted to just fling a #129 brush at her head. No, something bigger, like a #150.

HAAA! That is TOO funny! And...thanks.