My inagural MAC store haul!


Well-known member
So I've been super excited since the mall nearest me has finally finished it's 3 year remodel and surprise! There's a MAC store!!!

I was in last week, and turned in 18 (!) empties! For that, I got Sunset B. and Bold and Brazen Starflash e/s and Profusion l's which I ADORE.

Today, though, was my big shopping day. It's a 5 paycheck month, and I've paid all my credit card bills, so it was time to invest.
Awesome also was that one of the most awesome MA from Nordstrom now works there!

My haul (all e/s):

Star Violet (repurchase)
Poison Pen
Poste Haste
Pen N' Pink
15 pan pallet
powder foundation (not the fun part :p)

You can see I went through both "P" and purple shades phases today. I was also going to get Fig. 1, but they were out. Next time!

I hadn't had a haul since FAFI, so this was fun. I'm hoping for another mini one when my friend gets back from Australia. I could have put this money to more credit cards, but what the fun in that?

Oh! I also go into their event for Cult of Cherry! I even talked my mom into agreeing to do something, even if it's just a lip or an eye! Yay!
